
DbRecorderStream.add_component(serial, model, producer, name, start_time, end_time, ignore_orm=False)[source]

Add a sensor component to the stream.

The component with specified serial and name is searched in the parent inventory and if available, the sensor is added to the stream for the specified time-span.

  • serial (str) – The serial number of the sensor which holds the component.

  • model (str) – The model of the sensor which holds the component.

  • producer (str) – The producer of the sensor which holds the component.

  • name (str) – The name of the component.

  • start_time (obspy.UTCDateTime) – The time from which on the sensor has been operating at the station.

  • end_time (obspy.UTCDateTime) – The time up to which the sensor has been operating at the station. “None” if the station is still running.

  • ignore_orm (bool) – Control if the component assignment is added to the orm or not. This is usefull when creating an instance from a orm mapper using the from_sqlalchemy_orm class method.


The added sensor component.

Return type
