
The inventory module.

This module contains the classed needed to build a pSysmon geometry inventory.


Array(name[, description, author_uri, …])

A seismic array holding multiple stations.

Channel(name[, description, id, agency_uri, …])

A channel of a station.

Inventory(name[, type])

The geometry inventory.

Network(name[, description, type, …])

A seismic network.

Recorder(serial, model, producer[, …])

A seismic data recorder.

RecorderStream(name, label[, agency_uri, …])

A digital stream of a data recorder.

RecorderStreamParameter(start_time[, …])

Parameters of a recorder stream.

Sensor(serial, model, producer[, …])

A seismic sensor.

SensorComponent(name[, description, …])

A component of a seismic sensor.

SensorComponentParameter(sensitivity, …[, …])

The parameters of a sensor component.

Station(name, location, x, y, z[, …])

A seismic station.

TimeBox(item, start_time[, end_time, parent])

A container to hold an instance with an assigned time-span.