
mssds_postprocess computes the event supplement data in geoJSON format, creates map visualizations of the supplement data and seismogram plots of the event data.

mssds_postprocess is a command line program which accepts several commands and command line arguments.

The configuration of the input and output settings is specified in the configuration file. A description of the configuration file is given in the configuration file example.

mssds_postprocess [OPTIONS] CONFIG_FILE COMMAND [ARGS]...



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The filepath to the mss_dataserver configuration file.


The command to execute.



Create map visualizations of the event metadata.


Create seismogram visualizations of the event data.


Compute the event supplement data.


Compute the event supplement data.

mssds_postprocess process-event [OPTIONS]



The public ID of the event to process.


Don’t use the database to get event or geometry related data. All relevant information is loaded from the supplement data.


Don’t compute the metadata supplement.


Don’t compute the PGV countours using kriging.


Don’t compute the PGV sequence.


Don’t compute the detection sequence.


Don’t compute the PGV contour sequence.


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Compute the map visualizations of the supplement data.

mssds_postprocess create-maps [OPTIONS]



The public ID of the event to process.


Don’t use the database to get event or geometry related data. All relevant information is loaded from the supplement data.

–pgv-map / –no-pgv-map

Enable/disable computation of the pgv map [enabled].

–detection-sequence / –no-detection-sequence

Enable/disable the computation of the detection sequence images and movie [enabled].

–pgv-contour-sequence / –no-pgv-contour-sequence

Enable/disable the computation of the PGV contour sequence images and movie [disabled].

–pgv-contour-map / –no-pgv-contour-map

Enable/disable the computation of the PGV contour map.


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Compute the seismogram visualization of the event data.

mssds_postprocess create-seismogram [OPTIONS]



The public ID of the event to process.


Don’t use the database to get event or geometry related data. All relevant information is loaded from the supplement data.


The hypocenter coordinates (“LAT [°],LON [°], DEPTH [m]”). e.g. “16.136,47.756,12000” If a hypocenter is given, the stations are sorted according to the hypo-distance. Otherwise they are sorted alphabetically.


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