
class mss_dataserver.event.delaunay_detection.DelaunayDetector(network_stations, trigger_thr=1e-05, window_length=10, safety_time=10, p_vel=3500, min_trigger_window=2, max_edge_length=40000, author_uri=None, agency_uri=None)[source]

Bases: object

Event detection using amplitudes and Delaunay Triangulation.

  • network_stations (list of Station) – All available stations of the network.

  • trigger_thr (float) – The trigger threshold value [m/s].

  • window_length (float) – The length of the detection window [s].

  • safety_time (float) – The length of the timespan used as a safety period when computing the end-time of the detection timespan [s].

  • p_vel (float) – The P-wave velocity used to compute the maximum traveltimes over the length of a detection triangle [m/s].

  • min_trigger_window (float) – The length of the minimum trigger window [s].

  • max_edge_length (float) – The maximum edge length of a triangle used for the detection [m].

  • author_uri (str) – The uniform resource identifier of the author.

  • agency_uri (str) – The uniform resource identifier of the author agency.

  • max_time_window (numpy.ndarray) – The maximum time that a wave needs to pass the detection triangles.

  • current_event (Event) – The currently detected event.

  • detect_stations (list of Station) – The stations used for the event detection. Stations available in network_stations that don’t have data are ignored.

  • unused_stations (list of Station) – The stations not used for the event detection.

  • detect_stream (obspy.Stream) – The stream holding the PGV data used for event detection.

  • tri (scipy.spatial.Delaunay) – The detection triangles used for detection.

  • edge_length (dict) – The maximum edge lengths of the detection triangles [m]. The key is a tuple of the NSL codes of the stations of the triangles.

  • last_detection_start (obspy.UTCDateTime) – The start time of the data used for the last detection.

  • last_detection_end (obspy.UTCDateTime) – The end time of the data used for the last detection.

  • trigger_data (list of dict) – The current event trigger data of the detection triangles.

  • detection_run_initialized (bool) – A new detection run has been initialized.

  • event_triggered (bool) – An event has been triggered.

  • new_event_available (bool) – A new event is available.


__init__(network_stations[, trigger_thr, …])

Initialization of the instance.


Compute if an event trigger is available.


Compute the Delaunay triangles.

compute_edge_length(stations, tri[, clean_tri])

Compute the edge length of the detection triangles.


Compute the maximum time window that a wave needs to pass the triangles.


Compute the maximal PGV values of a delaunay triangle.


Compute the trigger data for all Delaunay triangles.


Evaluate the event trigger data and declare or update an event.


Get a copy of the current event.


Initialize a new detection run.


Prepare the data stream used for the detection run.


Reset the detector to an initial state.


Run the event detection using the passed stream.

Inheritence diagram

Inheritance diagram of mss_dataserver.event.delaunay_detection.DelaunayDetector