Source code for mss_dataserver.postprocess.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of mss_dataserver.
# If you use mss_dataserver in any program or publication, please inform and
# acknowledge its authors.
# mss_dataserver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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# Copyright 2021 Stefan Mertl
''' General utilities for the postprocessing.

import datetime
import gzip
import json
import logging
import os

import geojson
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy as np
import obspy
import pykrige as pk
import pyproj
import shapely

import mss_dataserver.core.json_util as json_util

[docs]def event_dir_from_publicid(public_id): ''' Build the event directory from the public id. Parameters ---------- public_id: str The public id of the event. Returns ------- str The event directory. ''' cur_parts = public_id.split('_') event_time = obspy.UTCDateTime(cur_parts[2][:17] + '.' + cur_parts[2][17:]) year_dir = "{year:04d}".format(year = event_time.year) date_dir = os.path.join("{year:04d}_{month:02d}_{day:02d}".format(year = event_time.year, month = event_time.month, day = event_dir = os.path.join(year_dir, date_dir, public_id) return event_dir
[docs]def get_supplement_map(): ''' Create the dictionary of the supplement data structure. Returns ------- :obj:`dict` A dictionary containing the supplement data mappings. ''' supplement_map = {} # Category detectiondata. tmp = {'detectiondata': {'name': 'detectiondata', 'format': 'json', 'subdir': 'detectiondata', 'encoder': json_util.SupplementDetectionDataDecoder}, 'geometryinventory': {'name': 'geometryinventory', 'format': 'json', 'subdir': 'detectiondata', 'encoder': json_util.GeneralFileDecoder}, 'metadata': {'name': 'metadata', 'format': 'json', 'subdir': 'detectiondata', 'encoder': json_util.GeneralFileDecoder}, 'pgv': {'name': 'pgv', 'format': 'miniseed', 'subdir': 'detectiondata'}, 'velocity': {'name': 'velocity', 'format': 'miniseed', 'subdir': 'detectiondata'}} supplement_map['detectiondata'] = tmp # Category detectionsequence. tmp = {'simplices': {'name': 'simplices', 'format': 'geojson', 'subdir': 'detectionsequence'}} supplement_map['detectionsequence'] = tmp # Category eventpgv. tmp = {'pgvstation': {'name': 'pgvstation', 'format': 'geojson', 'subdir': 'eventpgv'}, 'pgvvoronoi': {'name': 'pgvvoronoi', 'format': 'geojson', 'subdir': 'eventpgv'}, 'isoseismalfilledcontour': {'name': 'isoseismalfilledcontour', 'format': 'geojson', 'subdir': 'eventpgv'}, } supplement_map['eventpgv'] = tmp # Category pgvsequence. tmp = {'pgvstation': {'name': 'pgvstation', 'format': 'geojson', 'subdir': 'pgvsequence'}, 'pgvvoronoi': {'name': 'pgvvoronoi', 'format': 'geojson', 'subdir': 'pgvsequence'}, 'pgvcontour': {'name': 'pgvcontour', 'format': 'geojson', 'subdir': 'pgvsequence'}} supplement_map['pgvsequence'] = tmp return supplement_map
[docs]def get_supplement_data(public_id, category, name, directory): ''' Load the data from a supplement file. Parameters ---------- public_id: str The public id of the event. category: str The supplement data category. name: str The supplement data name. directory: str The supplement data base directory. Returns ------- :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` or :class:`obspy.Stream` of :obj:`dict` The requested supplement data. ''' supplement_map = get_supplement_map() event_dir = event_dir_from_publicid(public_id) supp_data = supplement_map[category][name] supplement_dir = os.path.join(directory, event_dir, supp_data['subdir']) cur_filename = public_id + '_' + category + '_' + supp_data['name'] if supp_data['format'] == 'json': cur_filename += '.json.gz' cur_filepath = os.path.join(supplement_dir, cur_filename) with, 'rt', encoding = 'UTF-8') as json_file: cur_data = json.load(json_file, cls = supp_data['encoder']) elif supp_data['format'] == 'miniseed': cur_filename += '.msd.gz' cur_filepath = os.path.join(supplement_dir, cur_filename) # obspy handles handle the decompression of the files. cur_data = elif supp_data['format'] == 'geojson': cur_filename += '.geojson.gz' cur_filepath = os.path.join(supplement_dir, cur_filename) cur_data = read_geojson(cur_filepath) else: cur_data = None return cur_data
[docs]def read_geojson(filepath): ''' Read data from a geojson file. Parameters ---------- filepath: str The filepath to the geojson file to load. Returns ------- :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The data loaded from the geojson file. ''' if not os.path.exists(filepath): return None # Read the dta using geojson to get the foreign members. # Geopandas neglects foreign members. with, 'rt', encoding = 'UTF-8') as fid: full_data = geojson.load(fid) df = gpd.GeoDataFrame.from_features(full_data['features'], crs="EPSG:4326") # Add the foreign members to the dataframe attrs dictionary. df.attrs['name'] = full_data['name'] df.attrs.update(full_data['properties']) return df
[docs]def write_geojson_file(geojson_instance, category, name, output_dir, prefix = None, postfix = None): ''' Write a geojson data file. Parameters ---------- geojson_instance: The geojson data. category: str The supplement data category. name: str The supplement data name. output_dir: str The directory where to save the geojson file. prefix: str The filename prefix. postfix: str The filename postfix. Returns ------- str The filepath of the saved file. ''' # Write the feature collection to a geojson file. if prefix is None: prefix = '' else: prefix = prefix + '_' if postfix is None: postfix = '' else: postfix = '_' + postfix filename = '{prefix}{category}_{name}{postfix}.geojson.gz'.format(prefix = prefix, category = category, name = name, postfix = postfix) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, filename) with, 'wt', encoding = 'UTF-8') as json_file: geojson.dump(geojson_instance, json_file) return filepath
[docs]def save_supplement(public_id, df, output_dir, category, name, props = None): ''' Save a geopandas dataframe to geojson file. Parameters ---------- public_id: str The public id of the event. df: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The data to save. output_dir: str The directory where to save the geojson file. category: str The supplement data category. name: str The supplement data name. props: :obj:`dict` Additional properties written to the feature collection properties. ''' logger_name = __name__ logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) event_dir = event_dir_from_publicid(public_id) supp_map = get_supplement_map() if category not in supp_map.keys(): logger.error('The category %s was not found in the available categories.', category) return supplement_sub_dir = supp_map[category][name]['subdir'] supplement_name = supp_map[category][name]['name'] output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, event_dir, supplement_sub_dir) fc = geojson.loads(df.to_json()) # Add foreign members to the feature collection. = supplement_name = { 'public_id': public_id, 'computation_time': isoformat_tz(obspy.UTCDateTime()) } if props is not None: filepath = write_geojson_file(fc, category = category, name = supplement_name, prefix = public_id, output_dir = output_dir) return filepath
[docs]def isoformat_tz(utcdatetime): ''' Convert a obspy UTCDateTime instance to a isoformat string including the UTC Timezone specifier +00:00. Parameters ---------- utcdatetime: :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime` The UTCDateTime to convert. Returns ------- str The isoformat string with UTC timezone specifier. ''' return utcdatetime.datetime.replace(tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc).isoformat()
[docs]def contourset_to_shapely(cs): ''' Convert a matplotlib contourset to shapely data. ''' contours = {} # Iterate over all collections. Each collection corresponds to a # contour level. for m, cur_col in enumerate(cs.collections): cur_level = cs.levels[m] poly_list = [] # Iterate over the paths in the collection for cur_path in cur_col.get_paths(): # Convert the path to polygons to handle holes in the polygon. for k, cur_poly_path in enumerate(cur_path.to_polygons()): cur_shape = shapely.geometry.Polygon(cur_poly_path) if k == 0: cur_poly = cur_shape else: # If a path contains more than one polygon, treat it as # a hole and subtract it from the first polygon. cur_poly = cur_poly.difference(cur_shape) poly_list.append(cur_poly) contours[cur_level] = poly_list return contours
[docs]def reproject_polygons(df, src_proj, dst_proj): ''' Reproject the coordinates of shapely polygons. Parameters ---------- df: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The dataframe containing the polygons. src_proj: :class:`pyproj.Proj` The source coordinate system projection. dst_proj: :class:`pyproj.Proj` The destination coordinate system projection. Returns ------- :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The dataframe containing the polygons with the reprojected coordinates. ''' for cur_id, cur_row in df.iterrows(): cur_poly = cur_row.geometry # Convert the exterior. cur_xy = cur_poly.exterior.xy ext_lon, ext_lat = pyproj.transform(src_proj, dst_proj, cur_xy[0], cur_xy[1]) # Convert the interiors. cur_int_list = [] for cur_interior in cur_poly.interiors: cur_xy = cur_interior.xy cur_lon, cur_lat = pyproj.transform(src_proj, dst_proj, cur_xy[0], cur_xy[1]) cur_ring = shapely.geometry.LinearRing(zip(cur_lon, cur_lat)) cur_int_list.append(cur_ring) if len(cur_int_list) == 0: cur_int_list = None proj_poly = shapely.geometry.Polygon(zip(ext_lon, ext_lat), holes = cur_int_list) df.loc[cur_id, 'geometry'] = proj_poly # Set the CRS of the dataframe. df = df.set_crs( return df
[docs]def intensity_to_pgv(intensity = None): ''' Compute the pgv and intensity values based on the MSS relationship. Parameters ---------- intensity: :class:`numpy.ndarray` The intensity values for which to compute the PGV values. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` The intensity and the computed PGV values. ''' if intensity is None: return k_low = 0.5 d_low = -5 # np.log10(0.00001) k_high = 1 d_high = -7 kink = 4 intensity_low = intensity[intensity <= kink] pgv_low = d_low + k_low * intensity_low intensity_high = intensity[intensity > kink] pgv_high = d_high + k_high * intensity_high intensity = np.hstack([intensity_low, intensity_high]) intensity_pgv = np.hstack([pgv_low, pgv_high]) intensity_pgv = 10**intensity_pgv return np.hstack([intensity[:, np.newaxis], intensity_pgv[:, np.newaxis]])
[docs]def pgv_to_intensity(pgv = None): ''' Compute the pgv and intensity values based on the MSS relationship. Parameters ---------- pgv: :class:`numpy.ndarray` The pgv values for which to compute the intensity data. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` The pgv data and the computed intensity values. ''' if pgv is None: return pgv = np.log10(pgv) k_low = 2 d_low = 10 k_high = 1 d_high = 7 kink = np.log10(1e-3) pgv_low = pgv[pgv <= kink] intensity_low = d_low + k_low * pgv_low pgv_high = pgv[pgv > kink] intensity_high = d_high + k_high * pgv_high pgv = np.hstack([pgv_low, pgv_high]) intensity = np.hstack([intensity_low, intensity_high]) return np.hstack([10**pgv[:, np.newaxis], intensity[:, np.newaxis]])
[docs]def compute_pgv_krigging(x, y, z, nlags = 6, weight = False, verbose = False, enable_plotting = False): ''' Kriging of the pgv data. The kriging is done using :class:`pykrige.ok.OrdinaryKriging`. Parameters ---------- x: :class:`numpy.ndarray` The x data. y: :class:`numpy.ndarray` The y data. z: :class:`numpy.ndarray` The z data. nlags: int The number of lags used for kriging. weight: bool If True, use weights for kriging. verbose: bool If True, set the kriging to verbose. enable_plotting: bool If True, enable the plotting of some kriging statistics. ''' buffer = 10000 x_lims = [548828.0, 655078.0] y_lims = [5257810.0, 5342810.0] x_lims[0] = x_lims[0] - buffer x_lims[1] = x_lims[1] + buffer y_lims[0] = y_lims[0] - buffer y_lims[1] = y_lims[1] + buffer grid_delta = 100.0 grid_x = np.arange(x_lims[0], x_lims[1], grid_delta) grid_y = np.arange(y_lims[0], y_lims[1], grid_delta) krig_ok = pk.ok.OrdinaryKriging(x = x, y = y, z = z, variogram_model = 'linear', variogram_parameters = {'nugget': 0, 'slope': 1 / 750}, nlags = nlags, weight = weight, verbose = verbose, enable_plotting = enable_plotting, exact_values = True, pseudo_inv = True) krig_z, krig_sigmasq = krig_ok.execute(style = 'grid', xpoints = grid_x, ypoints = grid_y) return krig_z, krig_sigmasq, grid_x, grid_y