Source code for mss_dataserver.postprocess.postprocess_event

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of mss_dataserver.
# If you use mss_dataserver in any program or publication, please inform and
# acknowledge its authors.
# mss_dataserver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# mss_dataserver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with mss_dataserver. If not, see <>.
# Copyright 2021 Stefan Mertl
''' The event postprocessor.

import csv
import logging
import math
import os
import warnings

import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import obspy
import pyproj
import shapely

import mss_dataserver.postprocess.util as util
import mss_dataserver.postprocess.voronoi as voronoi

# Ignore Geoseries.notna() warning.
# GeoSeries.notna() previously returned False for both missing (None)
# and empty geometries. Now, it only returns False for missing values.
# Since the calling GeoSeries contains empty geometries, the result has
# changed compared to previous versions of GeoPandas.
# Given a GeoSeries 's', you can use '~s.is_empty & s.notna()' to get back
# the old behaviour.
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'GeoSeries.notna', UserWarning)

[docs]class EventPostProcessor(object): ''' Process a detected event. Parameters ---------- project: :class:`mss_dataserver.core.project.Project` The mss_dataserver project. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, project): ''' Initialize the instance. ''' logger_name = __name__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) # mss_dataserver project. self.project = project # The author information. self.author_uri = self.project.author_uri self.agency_uri = self.project.agency_uri # The event to process. self.event = None # The supplement directory. self.supplement_dir = self.project.config['output']['event_dir'] # The map data directory. self.map_dir = self.project.config['postprocess']['map_dir'] # The common data directory. self.data_dir = self.project.config['postprocess']['data_dir'] # Compute the UTM coordinates of the stations. self.project.inventory.compute_utm_coordinates() # Load common data. self.network_boundary = self.load_network_boundary() self.station_amp = self.load_station_amplification() self.sup_map = util.get_supplement_map() # The event detection supplement data. self._meta = None self._pgv_stream = None self._detection_data = None
@property def meta(self): ''' :obj:`dict`: The metadata supplement. ''' if self._meta is None: # Load the event metadata from the supplement file. self._meta = util.get_supplement_data(self.event_public_id, category = 'detectiondata', name = 'metadata', directory = self.supplement_dir) return self._meta['metadata']
[docs] def set_event(self, public_id): ''' Set the event to process. Parameters ---------- public_id: str The public id of the event. ''' #self.event = self.project.load_event_by_id(public_id = public_id) self.event_public_id = public_id self._meta = None self._pgv_stream = None self._detection_data = None
[docs] def load_network_boundary(self): ''' Load the boundary of the MSS network. ''' # Load the MSS boundary. boundary_filename = self.project.config['postprocess']['boundary_filename'] boundary_filepath = os.path.join(self.map_dir, boundary_filename) return gpd.read_file(boundary_filepath)
[docs] def load_station_amplification(self): ''' Load the station amplification data. ''' sa_filename = self.project.config['postprocess']['station_amplification_filename'] filepath = os.path.join(self.data_dir, sa_filename) station_amp = {} with open(filepath, 'r') as csv_file: reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file) for cur_row in reader: cur_serial = cur_row['serial'] cur_amp = float(cur_row['amplification']) cur_snl = cur_row['snl'] cur_snl = cur_snl.split(':') cur_nsl = ':'.join([cur_snl[1], cur_snl[0], cur_snl[2]]) station_amp[cur_nsl] = {'serial': cur_serial, 'amp': cur_amp} return station_amp
[docs] def add_station_amplification(self, df): ''' Add the station amplification values to a dataframe. Parameters ---------- df: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The dataframe to which to add the station amplification factors. ''' station_amp = self.station_amp sorted_sa = [station_amp[row.nsl]['amp'] if row.nsl in station_amp.keys() else np.nan for index, row in df.iterrows()] df['sa'] = sorted_sa
[docs] def compute_pgv_df(self, meta): ''' Create a dataframe of pgv values with station coordinates. Parameters ---------- meta: :obj:`dict` The event metadata. ''' inventory = self.project.inventory triggered_nsl = list(meta['max_event_pgv'].keys()) untriggered_nsl = list(meta['max_network_pgv'].keys()) untriggered_nsl = [x for x in untriggered_nsl if x not in triggered_nsl] nodata_nsl = [x.nsl_string for x in inventory.get_station() if (x.nsl_string not in triggered_nsl and x.nsl_string not in untriggered_nsl)] pgv_data = [] for cur_nsl in triggered_nsl: cur_station = inventory.get_station(nsl_string = cur_nsl)[0] cur_pgv = meta['max_event_pgv'][cur_nsl] cur_trigger = True cur_data = [cur_nsl, cur_station.x, cur_station.y, cur_station.x_utm, cur_station.y_utm, cur_pgv, cur_trigger] pgv_data.append(cur_data) for cur_nsl in untriggered_nsl: cur_station = inventory.get_station(nsl_string = cur_nsl)[0] cur_pgv = meta['max_network_pgv'][cur_nsl] cur_trigger = False cur_data = [cur_nsl, cur_station.x, cur_station.y, cur_station.x_utm, cur_station.y_utm, cur_pgv, cur_trigger] pgv_data.append(cur_data) for cur_nsl in nodata_nsl: cur_station = inventory.get_station(nsl_string = cur_nsl)[0] cur_pgv = None cur_trigger = False cur_data = [cur_nsl, cur_station.x, cur_station.y, cur_station.x_utm, cur_station.y_utm, cur_pgv, cur_trigger] pgv_data.append(cur_data) x_coord = [x[1] for x in pgv_data] y_coord = [x[2] for x in pgv_data] pgv_data = {'geom_stat': [shapely.geometry.Point([x[0], x[1]]) for x in zip(x_coord, y_coord)], 'geom_vor': [shapely.geometry.Polygon([])] * len(pgv_data), 'nsl': [x[0] for x in pgv_data], 'x': x_coord, 'y': y_coord, 'x_utm': [x[3] for x in pgv_data], 'y_utm': [x[4] for x in pgv_data], 'pgv': [x[5] for x in pgv_data], 'triggered': [x[6] for x in pgv_data]} df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data = pgv_data, crs = 'epsg:4326', geometry = 'geom_stat') return df
[docs] def compute_detection_data_df(self, trigger_data): ''' Compute the detection frames for a common time. Parameters ---------- trigger_data: :obj:`list` The event trigger data. ''' df = None for cur_data in trigger_data: cur_coord = [(x.x, x.y) for x in cur_data['simplices_stations']] cur_nsl = [x.nsl_string for x in cur_data['simplices_stations']] cur_nsl = ','.join(cur_nsl) cur_simp_poly = shapely.geometry.Polygon(cur_coord) cur_time = [util.isoformat_tz(obspy.UTCDateTime(round(x, 2))) for x in cur_data['time']] cur_added_to_event = np.zeros(len(cur_time), dtype = bool) #tmp = np.where(cur_data['trigger'])[0] #if len(tmp) > 0: # cur_first_trigger = int(tmp[0]) # cur_added_to_event[cur_first_trigger:] = True cur_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geom_simp': [cur_simp_poly] * len(cur_data['time']), 'nsl': [cur_nsl] * len(cur_data['time']), 'time': cur_time, 'pgv': map(lambda a: [x if not math.isnan(x) else None for x in a], cur_data['pgv'].tolist()), 'pgv_min': np.nanmin(cur_data['pgv'], axis = 1), 'pgv_max': np.nanmax(cur_data['pgv'], axis = 1), 'triggered': cur_data['trigger'], 'added_to_event': cur_added_to_event}, crs = "epsg:4326", geometry = 'geom_simp') if df is None: df = cur_df else: df = df.append(cur_df, ignore_index = True) df = df.sort_values('time', ignore_index = True) return df
[docs] def compute_event_metadata_supplement(self): ''' Compute the supplement data based on the event metadata. ''' # Load the event metadata from the supplement file. meta = self.meta # Compute a PGV geodataframe using the event metadata. pgv_df = self.compute_pgv_df(meta) self.add_station_amplification(pgv_df) # Compute the voronoi cells and add them as a geometry to the dataframe. # Compute the boundary clipping using shapely because geopandas clipping # throws exceptions e.g. because of None values. voronoi.compute_voronoi_geometry(pgv_df, boundary = self.network_boundary.loc[0, 'geometry']) # Get some event properties to add to the properties of the feature collections. props = {'db_id': meta['db_id'], 'event_start': util.isoformat_tz(meta['start_time']), 'event_end': util.isoformat_tz(meta['end_time']), 'author_uri': self.project.author_uri, 'agency_uri': self.project.agency_uri} filepath = util.save_supplement(self.event_public_id, pgv_df.loc[:, ['geom_stat', 'nsl', 'pgv', 'sa', 'triggered']], output_dir = self.supplement_dir, category = 'eventpgv', name = 'pgvstation', props = props)'Saved station pgv points to file %s.', filepath) pgv_df = pgv_df.set_geometry('geom_vor') filepath = util.save_supplement(self.event_public_id, pgv_df.loc[:, ['geom_vor', 'nsl', 'pgv', 'sa', 'triggered']], output_dir = self.supplement_dir, category = 'eventpgv', name = 'pgvvoronoi', props = props)'Saved station pgv voronoi cells to file %s.', filepath)
[docs] def compute_pgv_sequence_supplement(self): ''' Compute the supplement data representing the PGV sequence. ''' # Load the event metadata from the supplement file. meta = self.meta # Load the PGV data stream. pgv_stream = util.get_supplement_data(self.event_public_id, category = 'detectiondata', name = 'pgv', directory = self.supplement_dir) # Trim the stream. pgv_stream.trim(starttime = meta['start_time'] - 6, endtime = meta['end_time'] + 6, pad = True) inventory = self.project.inventory station_nsl = [('MSSNet', x.stats.station, x.stats.location) for x in pgv_stream] station_nsl = [':'.join(x) for x in station_nsl] stations = [inventory.get_station(nsl_string = x)[0] for x in station_nsl] times = pgv_stream[0].times("utcdatetime") data = np.array([ for x in pgv_stream]).transpose() # Get the stations with no available data. available_stations = inventory.get_station() no_data_stations = [x for x in available_stations if x.nsl_string not in station_nsl] detection_limits = meta['detection_limits'] sequence_df = None for k in range(len(times)): cur_time = times[k] triggered = [] for cur_station in stations: if cur_station.nsl_string not in detection_limits.keys(): cur_trigger = False else: cur_detection_limit = detection_limits[cur_station.nsl_string] if cur_time >= cur_detection_limit[0] and cur_time <= cur_detection_limit[1]: cur_trigger = True else: cur_trigger = False triggered.append(cur_trigger) cur_points = [shapely.geometry.Point(x.x, x.y) for x in stations] cur_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geom_vor': [shapely.geometry.Polygon([])] * len(stations), 'geom_stat': cur_points, 'time': [util.isoformat_tz(cur_time)] * len(stations), 'nsl': [x.nsl_string for x in stations], 'x': [x.x for x in stations], 'y': [x.y for x in stations], 'x_utm': [x.x_utm for x in stations], 'y_utm': [x.y_utm for x in stations], 'pgv': data[k, :], 'triggered': triggered}, crs = "epsg:4326", geometry = 'geom_stat') # Add the station amplification factors. self.add_station_amplification(cur_df) # Compute the voronoi cells and add them as a geometry to the dataframe. # Compute the boundary clipping using shapely because geopandas clipping # throws exceptions e.g. because of None values. voronoi.compute_voronoi_geometry(cur_df, boundary = self.network_boundary.loc[0, 'geometry']) # Add the no-data stations cur_nd_points = [shapely.geometry.Point(x.x, x.y) for x in no_data_stations] cur_nd_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geom_vor': [shapely.geometry.Polygon([])] * len(no_data_stations), 'geom_stat': cur_nd_points, 'time': [util.isoformat_tz(cur_time)] * len(no_data_stations), 'nsl': [x.nsl_string for x in no_data_stations], 'x': [x.x for x in no_data_stations], 'y': [x.y for x in no_data_stations], 'x_utm': [x.x_utm for x in no_data_stations], 'y_utm': [x.y_utm for x in no_data_stations], 'pgv': [None] * len(no_data_stations), 'triggered': [None] * len(no_data_stations)}, crs = "epsg:4326", geometry = 'geom_stat') # Add the station amplification factors to the no-data stations. self.add_station_amplification(cur_nd_df) # Append the no-data stations. cur_df = cur_df.append(cur_nd_df) # Add the dataframe to the sequence. if sequence_df is None: sequence_df = cur_df else: sequence_df = sequence_df.append(cur_df) # Get some event properties to add to the properties of the feature collections. props = {'db_id': meta['db_id'], 'event_start': util.isoformat_tz(meta['start_time']), 'event_end': util.isoformat_tz(meta['end_time']), 'sequence_start': min(sequence_df.time), 'sequence_end': max(sequence_df.time), 'author_uri': self.project.author_uri, 'agency_uri': self.project.agency_uri} # Write the voronoi dataframe to a geojson file. sequence_df = sequence_df.set_geometry('geom_vor') filepath = util.save_supplement(self.event_public_id, sequence_df.loc[:, ['geom_vor', 'time', 'nsl', 'pgv', 'sa', 'triggered']], output_dir = self.supplement_dir, category = 'pgvsequence', name = 'pgvvoronoi', props = props)'Saved pgv voronoi sequence to file %s.', filepath) sequence_df = sequence_df.set_geometry('geom_stat') filepath = util.save_supplement(self.event_public_id, sequence_df.loc[:, ['geom_stat', 'time', 'nsl', 'pgv', 'sa', 'triggered']], output_dir = self.supplement_dir, category = 'pgvsequence', name = 'pgvstation', props = props)'Saved pgv station marker sequence to file %s.', filepath)
[docs] def compute_pgv_contour_sequence_supplement(self): ''' Compute the supplement data representing the PGV sequence. ''' # Load the event metadata from the supplement file. meta = self.meta # Load the PGV data stream. pgv_stream = util.get_supplement_data(self.event_public_id, category = 'detectiondata', name = 'pgv', directory = self.supplement_dir) # Trim the stream. pgv_stream.trim(starttime = meta['start_time'] - 6, endtime = meta['end_time'] + 6, pad = True) inventory = self.project.inventory station_nsl = [('MSSNet', x.stats.station, x.stats.location) for x in pgv_stream] station_nsl = [':'.join(x) for x in station_nsl] stations = [inventory.get_station(nsl_string = x)[0] for x in station_nsl] times = pgv_stream[0].times("utcdatetime") data = np.array([ for x in pgv_stream]).transpose() detection_limits = meta['detection_limits'] sequence_df = None last_pgv_df = None last_krig_z = None no_change_cnt = 0 for k in range(len(times)): cur_time = times[k]"Computing frame {time}.".format(time = str(cur_time))) triggered = [] for cur_station in stations: if cur_station.nsl_string not in detection_limits.keys(): cur_trigger = False else: cur_detection_limit = detection_limits[cur_station.nsl_string] if cur_time >= cur_detection_limit[0] and cur_time <= cur_detection_limit[1]: cur_trigger = True else: cur_trigger = False triggered.append(cur_trigger) cur_points = [shapely.geometry.Point(x.x, x.y) for x in stations] cur_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geom_vor': [shapely.geometry.Polygon([])] * len(stations), 'geom_stat': cur_points, 'time': [util.isoformat_tz(cur_time)] * len(stations), 'nsl': [x.nsl_string for x in stations], 'x': [x.x for x in stations], 'y': [x.y for x in stations], 'x_utm': [x.x_utm for x in stations], 'y_utm': [x.y_utm for x in stations], 'pgv': data[k, :], 'triggered': triggered}, crs = "epsg:4326", geometry = 'geom_stat') # Add the station amplification factors. self.add_station_amplification(cur_df) # Compute the corrected pgv values. cur_df['pgv_corr'] = cur_df.pgv / # Use only the stations with a valid corrected pgv. cur_df = cur_df[cur_df['pgv_corr'].notna()] cur_df = cur_df.reset_index() # Update the pgv values to keep the event maximum pgv. # Track changes of the event maximum pgv. if last_pgv_df is not None: # Use the current PGV values only, if they are higher than # the last ones. # # Update the last_pgv_df with the current df. It is possible, that # rows are missing or new ones are available. # Remove the rows, that are not present in the cur_df. tmp_df = last_pgv_df[last_pgv_df.nsl.isin(cur_df.nsl)] # Add the rows, that are not present in the last_pgv_df. mask_df = tmp_df.append(cur_df[~cur_df.nsl.isin(last_pgv_df.nsl)], ignore_index = True) mask = cur_df.pgv_corr < mask_df.pgv_corr cur_df.loc[mask, 'pgv_corr'] = mask_df.loc[mask, 'pgv_corr'] if np.all(mask): no_change_cnt += 1 else: no_change_cnt = 0'no_change_cnt: ' + str(no_change_cnt)) # Exit if the was no change of the max event pgv data for some time. if no_change_cnt >= 5:'No change for some time, stop computation of contours.') break # Keep the last pgv dataframe. # Get the rows, that are not available in cur_df and keep them. if last_pgv_df is not None: tmp_df = last_pgv_df[~last_pgv_df.nsl.isin(cur_df.nsl)] last_pgv_df = cur_df last_pgv_df.append(tmp_df, ignore_index = True) else: last_pgv_df = cur_df # Interpolate to a regular grid using ordinary kriging."Interpolate") krig_z, krig_sigmasq, grid_x, grid_y = util.compute_pgv_krigging(x = cur_df.x_utm.values, y = cur_df.y_utm.values, z = np.log10(cur_df.pgv_corr), nlags = 10, verbose = False, enable_plotting = False, weight = True) # Update the interpolated pgv values only if they are higher than the last ones. #if last_krig_z is not None: # cur_mask = krig_z < last_krig_z # krig_z[cur_mask] = last_krig_z[cur_mask] #last_krig_z = krig_z"Contours") # Compute the contours. intensity = np.arange(2, 8.1, 0.1) # Add lower and upper limits to catch all the data below or # above the desired intensity range. intensity = np.hstack([[-10], intensity, [20]]) intensity_pgv = util.intensity_to_pgv(intensity = intensity) # Create and delete a figure to prevent pyplot from plotting the # contours. fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cs = ax.contourf(grid_x, grid_y, krig_z, np.log10(intensity_pgv[:, 1]), vmin = -6, vmax = -2) contours = util.contourset_to_shapely(cs) fig.clear() plt.close(fig) del ax del fig del cs'dataframe') # Create a geodataframe of the contour polygons. cont_data = {'time': [], 'geometry': [], 'intensity': [], 'pgv': []} for cur_level, cur_poly in contours.items(): cur_intensity = util.pgv_to_intensity(pgv = [10**cur_level] * len(cur_poly)) cont_data['time'].extend([util.isoformat_tz(cur_time)] * len(cur_poly)) cont_data['geometry'].extend(cur_poly) cont_data['intensity'].extend(cur_intensity[:, 1].tolist()) cont_data['pgv'].extend([10**cur_level] * len(cur_poly)) cur_cont_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data = cont_data) # Convert the polygon coordinates to EPSG:4326. src_proj = pyproj.Proj(init = 'epsg:' + self.project.inventory.get_utm_epsg()[0][0]) dst_proj = pyproj.Proj(init = 'epsg:4326') cur_cont_df = util.reproject_polygons(df = cur_cont_df, src_proj = src_proj, dst_proj = dst_proj) # Clip to the network boundary. # Clipping a polygon may created multiple polygons. # Therefore create a new dataframe to have only one polygon per, # entry. Thus avoiding possible problems due to a mixture of # multipolygons and polygons.'Clipping.') cont_data = {'time': [], 'geometry': [], 'intensity': [], 'pgv': []} for cur_id, cur_row in cur_cont_df.iterrows(): cur_poly = cur_row.geometry clipped_poly = cur_poly.intersection(self.network_boundary.loc[0, 'geometry']) if isinstance(clipped_poly, shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon): cont_data['time'].extend([cur_row.time] * len(clipped_poly)) cont_data['geometry'].extend([x for x in clipped_poly]) cont_data['intensity'].extend([cur_row.intensity] * len(clipped_poly)) cont_data['pgv'].extend([cur_row.pgv] * len(clipped_poly)) else: cont_data['time'].append(cur_row.time) cont_data['geometry'].append(clipped_poly) cont_data['intensity'].append(cur_row.intensity) cont_data['pgv'].append(cur_row.pgv) cur_cont_df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data = cont_data) # Remove rows having an empty geometry.['geometry']) cur_cont_df = cur_cont_df[~cur_cont_df['geometry'].is_empty]['geometry'])'Appending to sequence.') # Add the dataframe to the sequence. if sequence_df is None: sequence_df = cur_cont_df else: sequence_df = sequence_df.append(cur_cont_df) # Get some event properties to add to the properties of the feature collections. props = {'db_id': meta['db_id'], 'event_start': util.isoformat_tz(meta['start_time']), 'event_end': util.isoformat_tz(meta['end_time']), 'sequence_start': min(sequence_df.time), 'sequence_end': max(sequence_df.time), 'author_uri': self.project.author_uri, 'agency_uri': self.project.agency_uri, 'station_correction_applied': True} # Write the voronoi dataframe to a geojson file. filepath = util.save_supplement(self.event_public_id, sequence_df, output_dir = self.supplement_dir, category = 'pgvsequence', name = 'pgvcontour', props = props)'Saved pgv contour sequence to file %s.', filepath)
[docs] def compute_detection_sequence_supplement(self): ''' Compute the supplement data representing the detection sequence triangles. ''' # Load the event detection data from the supplement file. detection_data = util.get_supplement_data(self.event_public_id, category = 'detectiondata', name = 'detectiondata', directory = self.supplement_dir) detection_data = detection_data['detection_data'] # Load the event metadata from the supplement file. meta = self.meta # Compute the dataframe using the trigger data. sequence_df = None for cur_pw_key, cur_process_window in detection_data.items(): trigger_data = cur_process_window['trigger_data'] cur_df = self.compute_detection_data_df(trigger_data) if sequence_df is None: sequence_df = cur_df else: sequence_df = sequence_df.append(cur_df, ignore_index = True) # Set the added_to_event flag of the whole sequence. # From the first triggered time, the flag is set to true. simp_groups = sequence_df.groupby('nsl') for cur_name, cur_group in simp_groups: cur_added_to_event = np.zeros(len(cur_group), dtype = bool) tmp = np.where(cur_group['triggered'])[0] if len(tmp) > 0: cur_first_trigger = int(tmp[0]) cur_added_to_event[cur_first_trigger:] = True sequence_df.loc[sequence_df['nsl'] == cur_name, 'added_to_event'] = cur_added_to_event # Limit the data to the event timespan. pre_window = 6 end_window = 6 win_start = meta['start_time'] - pre_window win_end = meta['end_time'] + end_window df_utctime = np.array([obspy.UTCDateTime(x) for x in sequence_df.time]) mask = (df_utctime >= win_start) & (df_utctime <= win_end) sequence_df = sequence_df.loc[mask, :] # Get some event properties to add to the properties of the feature collections. props = {'db_id': meta['db_id'], 'event_start': util.isoformat_tz(meta['start_time']), 'event_end': util.isoformat_tz(meta['end_time']), 'sequence_start': min(sequence_df.time), 'sequence_end': max(sequence_df.time), 'author_uri': self.project.author_uri, 'agency_uri': self.project.agency_uri} # Write the sequence dataframe to a geojson file. filepath = util.save_supplement(self.event_public_id, sequence_df.loc[:, ['geom_simp', 'time', 'pgv', 'pgv_min', 'pgv_max', 'triggered', 'added_to_event']], output_dir = self.supplement_dir, category = 'detectionsequence', name = 'simplices', props = props)'Saved detectioin sequence simplices to file %s.', filepath)
[docs] def compute_isoseismal_supplement(self): ''' Compute the isoseismal contour lines using kriging. ''' # Load the event metadata from the supplement file. meta = self.meta # Compute a PGV geodataframe using the event metadata. pgv_df = self.compute_pgv_df(meta) self.add_station_amplification(pgv_df) pgv_df['pgv_corr'] = pgv_df.pgv / # Use only data with valid pgv data. pgv_df = pgv_df.loc[pgv_df.pgv_corr.notna(), :] # Interpolate to a regular grid using ordinary kriging. krig_z, krig_sigmasq, grid_x, grid_y = util.compute_pgv_krigging(x = pgv_df.x_utm.values, y = pgv_df.y_utm.values, z = np.log10(pgv_df.pgv_corr), nlags = 40, verbose = False, enable_plotting = False, weight = True) # Compute the contours. intensity = np.arange(2, 8.1, 0.1) # Add lower and upper limits to catch all the data below or # above the desired intensity range. intensity = np.hstack([[-10], intensity, [20]]) intensity_pgv = util.intensity_to_pgv(intensity = intensity) # Create and delete a figure to prevent pyplot from plotting the # contours. fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) cs = ax.contourf(grid_x, grid_y, krig_z, np.log10(intensity_pgv[:, 1]), vmin = -6, vmax = -2) contours = util.contourset_to_shapely(cs) fig.clear() plt.close(fig) del ax del fig del cs # Create a geodataframe of the contour polygons. data = {'geometry': [], 'intensity': [], 'pgv': []} for cur_level, cur_poly in contours.items(): cur_intensity = util.pgv_to_intensity(pgv = [10**cur_level] * len(cur_poly)) data['geometry'].extend(cur_poly) data['intensity'].extend(cur_intensity[:, 1].tolist()) data['pgv'].extend([10**cur_level] * len(cur_poly)) df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data = data) # Convert the polygon coordinates to EPSG:4326. src_proj = pyproj.Proj(init = 'epsg:' + self.project.inventory.get_utm_epsg()[0][0]) dst_proj = pyproj.Proj(init = 'epsg:4326') df = util.reproject_polygons(df = df, src_proj = src_proj, dst_proj = dst_proj) # Clip to the network boundary. # Clipping a polygon may created multiple polygons. # Therefore create a new dataframe to have only one polygon per, # entry. Thus avoiding possible problems due to a mixture of # multipolygons and polygons. data = {'geometry': [], 'intensity': [], 'pgv': []} for cur_id, cur_row in df.iterrows(): cur_poly = cur_row.geometry clipped_poly = cur_poly.intersection(self.network_boundary.loc[0, 'geometry']) if isinstance(clipped_poly, shapely.geometry.multipolygon.MultiPolygon): data['geometry'].extend([x for x in clipped_poly]) data['intensity'].extend([cur_row.intensity] * len(clipped_poly)) data['pgv'].extend([cur_row.pgv] * len(clipped_poly)) else: data['geometry'].append(clipped_poly) data['intensity'].append(cur_row.intensity) data['pgv'].append(cur_row.pgv) df = gpd.GeoDataFrame(data = data) props = {'db_id': meta['db_id'], 'event_start': util.isoformat_tz(meta['start_time']), 'event_end': util.isoformat_tz(meta['end_time']), 'author_uri': self.project.author_uri, 'agency_uri': self.project.agency_uri, 'station_correction_applied': True} filepath = util.save_supplement(self.event_public_id, df, output_dir = self.supplement_dir, category = 'eventpgv', name = 'isoseismalfilledcontour', props = props)'Saved isoseismal contours to file %s.', filepath) return df