Source code for mss_dataserver.postprocess.map_plotter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of mss_dataserver.
# If you use mss_dataserver in any program or publication, please inform and
# acknowledge its authors.
# mss_dataserver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# mss_dataserver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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# Copyright 2021 Stefan Mertl
''' Utilities to plot maps.

import dateutil
import logging
import os

import as ccrs
import ffmpeg
import geopandas
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.collections as mpl_col
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import obspy
import rasterio
import rasterio.plot

import mss_dataserver.postprocess.util as util

[docs]class MapPlotter(object): ''' Create map images and movies using mssds geojson data. Parameters ---------- supplement_dir: str The directory where the supplement data is saved. map_dir: str The directory where the map data is saved. output_dir: str The directory where to save the computed map images. basemap: str The filename of the background map in geotiff file format. boundary: str The filename of the network boundary in geojson file format. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, supplement_dir, map_dir, output_dir, basemap = 'mss_basemap_desaturate.tif', boundary = 'mss_network_hull.geojson'): ''' Initialize the instance. ''' logger_name = __name__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) # The directory containing the event supplement data. self.supplement_dir = supplement_dir # The directory containing the map data. self.map_dir = map_dir # The directory where to save the map images. self.output_dir = output_dir # The filename of the background map. self.basemap_filename = basemap # The filename of the network boundary. self.boundary_filename = boundary # The network boundary. self.mss_boundary = None # The public id of the event. self.event_public_id = None # The map figure. self.fig = None # The map axes. = None # The colorbar axes. self.cb = None # The data plot artists. self.artists = [] # The intensity labels. self.intensity_labels = {1: 'I', 2: 'II', 3: 'III', 4: 'IV', 5: 'V', 6: 'VI', 7: 'VII', 8: 'VIII', 9: 'IX', 10: 'X', 11: 'XI', 12: 'XII'}
[docs] def set_event(self, public_id): ''' Set the event to process. Parameters ---------- public_id: str The public id of the event. ''' self.event_public_id = public_id self.event_dir = util.event_dir_from_publicid(public_id) # Load the event metadata from the supplement file. self.meta = util.get_supplement_data(self.event_public_id, category = 'detectiondata', name = 'metadata', directory = self.supplement_dir)
[docs] def init_map(self, utm_zone=33): ''' Initialize the map plot. Parameters ---------- utm_zone: int The UTM zone number. ''' # Set the projection. self.projection = ccrs.UTM(zone=utm_zone) # Load the basemap georeferenced image. filepath = os.path.join(self.map_dir, self.basemap_filename) basemap = # Load the network boundary. filepath = os.path.join(self.map_dir, self.boundary_filename) self.mss_boundary = geopandas.read_file(filepath) self.mss_boundary = self.mss_boundary.to_crs(self.projection.proj4_init) # Configure the colormap. self.cmap = plt.get_cmap('plasma') upper_limit = 1e-2 max_pgv = np.max(list(self.meta['metadata']['max_event_pgv'].values())) if max_pgv > upper_limit: upper_limit = max_pgv pgv_limits = np.array((1e-6, upper_limit)) pgv_limits_log = np.log10(pgv_limits) self.norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin = pgv_limits_log[0], vmax = pgv_limits_log[1]) # Create the figure and plot the base map. self.fig = plt.figure(figsize = (120 / 25.4, 100 / 25.4), dpi = 300) = plt.axes(projection = self.projection) # Set the map axes to the figure limits.[0, 0, 1, 1]) # Plot the background map., origin = 'upper', interpolation = None, ax =, zorder = 1) # Add the colorbar. self.draw_pgv_colorbar() # Add the MSS logo. logo_filepath = os.path.join(self.map_dir, 'mss_logo.png') logo = plt.imread(logo_filepath) self.fig.figimage(logo, origin = 'upper', yo = 1100, xo = 15) # Add the attribution. self.draw_attribution_note() self.artists = []
[docs] def clear_map(self): ''' Remove all data artists from the map. ''' for cur_artist in self.artists: cur_artist.remove() del cur_artist self.artists = []
[docs] def draw_pgv_colorbar(self): ''' Draw the PGV colorbar. ''' # Create the inset axes. cb_bounds = [0.58, 0.08, 0.4, 0.05] ax_inset = = cb_bounds) intensity_to_plot = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]) intensity_pgv = util.intensity_to_pgv(intensity_to_plot) ticks = intensity_pgv[:, 1] ticks[0] = 0.001e-3 ticks_log = np.log10(ticks) cb = matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase(ax_inset, cmap = self.cmap, norm = self.norm, ticks = ticks_log, orientation = 'horizontal', extend = 'both') = 8)'PGV [mm/s]', # loc = 'right', # fontsize = 8) ticks_mm = ticks * 1000 tick_labels = ["{0:.3f}".format(x) for x in ticks_mm] cb.set_ticklabels(tick_labels), rotation = 90) self.cb = cb height = 0.03 intensity_bounds = [cb_bounds[0], cb_bounds[1] - height, cb_bounds[2], height] ax_inset = = intensity_bounds, xlim = # Add the intensity label: xlim = ax_inset.get_xlim() ax_inset.text(x = xlim[0] + 0.1, y = 0.45, s = 'intensity: ', ha = 'left', va = 'center', fontsize = 6) ax_inset.set_xlabel('PGV [mm/s]', loc = 'right', fontsize = 8) for k, cur_intensity_pgv in enumerate(intensity_pgv): if k == len(intensity_pgv) - 1: break if np.log10(cur_intensity_pgv[1]) >= xlim[1]: break if k > 0: ax_inset.axvline(np.log10(cur_intensity_pgv[1]), color = 'black', linewidth = 0.5) cur_x = (np.log10(intensity_pgv[k + 1][1]) + np.log10(cur_intensity_pgv[1])) / 2 if k == 0: cur_x = (np.log10(intensity_pgv[k + 1][1]) + np.log10(0.01e-3)) / 2 elif np.log10(intensity_pgv[k +1][1]) >= xlim[1]: cur_x = (np.log10(cur_intensity_pgv[1]) + xlim[1]) / 2 #ax_inset.axvline(cur_x, color = 'gray') #cur_label = '{intensity:.0f}'.format(intensity = cur_intensity_pgv[0]) cur_label = self.intensity_labels[int(cur_intensity_pgv[0])] ax_inset.text(cur_x, y = 0.45, s = cur_label, ha = 'center', va = 'center', fontsize = 6) #ax_inset.set_axis_off() #ax_inset.set_frame_on(True) #ax_inset.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax_inset.set_xticks([]) ax_inset.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax_inset.set_facecolor((1, 1, 1, 0.4))
[docs] def draw_voronoi_cells(self, df, use_sa = False): ''' Draw PGV Voronoi cells. Parameters ---------- df: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The dataframe used to compute the voronoi cells. use_sa: bool True: used the station correction factors. False: don't use the station correction factors. ''' cmap = self.cmap norm = self.norm # Use only the cells with valid data. When using # station corrections, some cells might have no data. if use_sa: df_nodata = df[df.pgv_corr_log.isna()] df = df[df.pgv_corr_log.notna()] else: df_nodata = df[df.pgv.isna()] df = df[df.pgv.notna()] # Draw the cells that didn't trigger cur_df = df[df.triggered == False] if use_sa: color_list = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in cur_df['pgv_corr_log']] else: color_list = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in cur_df['pgv_log']] artists = [] # Draw the polygon faces. cur_artist =['geometry'], crs = self.projection, facecolor = color_list, edgecolor = None, alpha = 0.3, zorder = 3) artists.append(cur_artist) # Draw the polygon edges cur_artist =['geometry'], crs = self.projection, facecolor = (1, 1, 1, 0), edgecolor = 'k', linewidth = 0.1, zorder = 4) artists.append(cur_artist) # Draw the simplices that have an active trigger. cur_df = df[(df.triggered == True)] if use_sa: color_list = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in cur_df['pgv_corr_log']] else: color_list = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in cur_df['pgv_log']] # Draw the polygon faces. cur_artist =['geometry'], crs = self.projection, facecolor = color_list, edgecolor = None, alpha = 0.8, zorder = 3) artists.append(cur_artist) # Draw the polygon edges cur_artist =['geometry'], crs = self.projection, facecolor = (1, 1, 1, 0), edgecolor = 'k', linewidth = 0.2, zorder = 6) artists.append(cur_artist) # Plot the polygons that have no valid data. # Draw the polygon faces. cur_artist =['geometry'], crs = self.projection, facecolor = 'darkgray', edgecolor = None, alpha = 0.3, zorder = 3) artists.append(cur_artist) # Draw the polygon edges cur_artist =['geometry'], crs = self.projection, facecolor = (1, 1, 1, 0), edgecolor = 'k', linewidth = 0.2, zorder = 6) artists.append(cur_artist) self.artists.extend(artists)
[docs] def draw_station_pgv(self, df, use_sa = False, max_dia = 3): ''' Draw the max pgv values of the stations. Parameters ---------- df: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The dataframe used to compute the station pgv. use_sa: bool True: used the station correction factors. False: don't use the station correction factors. max_dia: float The maximum marker diameter [mm]. ''' cmap = self.cmap norm = self.norm artists = [] if use_sa: data_col = 'pgv_corr_log' else: data_col = 'pgv_log' # TODO: # Use the EllipseCollection for a better constraint of the # scatter circle radius. # Use the pandas dataseries map() function to map the # PGV to a radius range. # Convert mm to inches. max_dia = max_dia / 25.4 # Draw the stations that have data and have been triggered. cur_df = df[(df[data_col].notna() & (df.triggered == True))] if use_sa: color_list = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in cur_df[data_col]] size_list = [max_dia * norm(x) for x in cur_df[data_col]] else: color_list = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in cur_df[data_col]] size_list = [max_dia * norm(x) for x in cur_df[data_col]] cur_artist = = cur_df.geometry.x, y = cur_df.geometry.y, transform = self.projection, s = 15, color = color_list, edgecolor = 'k', linewidth = 0.2, zorder = 10) #offsets = list(zip(cur_df.geometry.x, # cur_df.geometry.y)) #cur_ell = mpl_col.EllipseCollection(widths = size_list, # heights = size_list, # angles = 0, # units = 'inches', # edgecolor = 'k', # facecolors = color_list, # linewidth = 0.2, # offsets = offsets, # transOffset =, # zorder = 10) artists.append(cur_artist) # Draw the stations that have data and have not been triggered. cur_df = df[(df[data_col].notna() & (df.triggered == False))] if use_sa: color_list = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in cur_df[data_col]] else: color_list = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in cur_df[data_col]] cur_artist = = cur_df.geometry.x, y = cur_df.geometry.y, transform = self.projection, s = 15, color = color_list, edgecolor = 'k', linewidth = 0.2, alpha = 0.5, zorder = 10) artists.append(cur_artist) # Draw the stations that have no data. cur_df = df[df[data_col].isna()] if use_sa: color_list = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in cur_df[data_col]] else: color_list = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in cur_df[data_col]] cur_artist = = cur_df.geometry.x, y = cur_df.geometry.y, transform = self.projection, s = 5, color = 'darkgray', edgecolor = 'k', linewidth = 0.2, zorder = 11) artists.append(cur_artist) self.artists.extend(artists)
[docs] def draw_time_marker(self, time = None, duration = None, note = None): ''' Draw the detection frame time marker. ''' artists = [] marker_text = self.event_public_id if time is not None: marker_text += '\n' + time.isoformat() if duration is not None: marker_text += "\nduration: {duration:.0f} s".format(duration = np.ceil(duration)) if note is not None: marker_text += '\n' + note # Add the time marker. cur_artist = = 0.99, y = 0.99, s = marker_text, ha = 'right', va = 'top', fontsize = 6, transform = artists.append(cur_artist) self.artists.extend(artists)
[docs] def draw_pgv_level(self, df, use_sa = False, max_event_pgv = None, show_max_level = False, add_annotation = True): ''' The the maximum pgv marker in the colorbar axes. Parameters ---------- df: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The dataframe used to compute the pgv level. use_sa: bool True: used the station correction factors. False: don't use the station correction factors. max_event_pgv: float The maximum PGV of the event. show_max_level: bool If True, the maximum level is shown. add_annotation: bool If True, the annotation is added. ''' ax = artists = [] if use_sa: pgv = df.pgv_corr[(df.triggered == True)] else: pgv = df.pgv[(df.triggered == True)] if len(pgv) > 0: pgv = np.nanmax(pgv) pgv_log = np.log10(pgv) if max_event_pgv is None: max_event_pgv = pgv elif pgv > max_event_pgv: max_event_pgv = pgv if show_max_level: line_color = 'gray' else: line_color = 'k' cur_artist = ax.axvline(x = pgv_log, color = line_color, zorder = 2) artists.append(cur_artist) # Add value text. if add_annotation and not show_max_level: pgv_mm = pgv * 1000 marker_text = "max: {pgv:.3f} mm/s ".format(pgv = pgv_mm) if pgv_mm >= 0.1: ha = 'right' else: ha = 'left' y_lim = ax.get_ylim() center = (y_lim[0] + y_lim[1]) / 2 cur_artist = ax.text(x = pgv_log, y = center, s = marker_text, ha = ha, va = 'center', fontsize = 6, zorder = 4) artists.append(cur_artist) if show_max_level and max_event_pgv is not None: cur_artist = ax.axvline(x = np.log10(max_event_pgv), color = 'k', zorder = 3) artists.append(cur_artist) if add_annotation: # Add value text. pgv_mm = max_event_pgv * 1000 marker_text = " max: {pgv:.3f} mm/s ".format(pgv = pgv_mm) if pgv_mm >= 0.1: ha = 'right' else: ha = 'left' y_lim = ax.get_ylim() center = (y_lim[0] + y_lim[1]) / 2 cur_artist = ax.text(x = np.log10(max_event_pgv), y = center, s = marker_text, ha = ha, va = 'center', fontsize = 6, zorder = 4) artists.append(cur_artist) self.artists.extend(artists) return max_event_pgv
[docs] def draw_detection_pgv_level(self, df, max_event_pgv = None, add_annotation = True, data_col = 'pgv_min_log'): ''' The the maximum pgv markers in the colorbar axes. Parameters ---------- df: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The dataframe used to compute the detection pgv level. max_event_pgv: float The maximum PGV of the event. add_annotation: bool If True, the annotation is added. data_col: str The data column of the df used for the pgv data. ''' ax = artists = [] pgv = df[data_col][(df.triggered == True)] if len(pgv) > 0: max_pgv = np.nanmax(pgv) if max_event_pgv is None: max_event_pgv = max_pgv elif max_pgv > max_event_pgv: max_event_pgv = max_pgv cur_artist = ax.axvline(x = max_pgv, color = 'gray', zorder = 2) artists.append(cur_artist) if max_event_pgv is not None: cur_artist = ax.axvline(x = max_event_pgv, color = 'k', zorder = 4) artists.append(cur_artist) if add_annotation: # Add value text. pgv_mm = 10**max_event_pgv * 1000 marker_text = " max: {pgv:.3f} mm/s ".format(pgv = pgv_mm) if pgv_mm >= 0.1: ha = 'right' else: ha = 'left' y_lim = ax.get_ylim() center = (y_lim[0] + y_lim[1]) / 2 cur_artist = ax.text(x = max_event_pgv, y = center, s = marker_text, ha = ha, va = 'center', fontsize = 6, zorder = 3) artists.append(cur_artist) self.artists.extend(artists) return max_event_pgv
[docs] def draw_contours(self, df, draw_labels = False): ''' Draw the PGV contours. Parameters ---------- df: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The dataframe used to compute the contours. draw_labels: bool If True, the contour labels are plotted. ''' cmap = self.cmap norm = self.norm artists = [] # Ignore the contours below the felt threshold. felt = df['pgv'] >= 0.1e-6 df = df[felt] # Remove the rows having no geometry. df = df[df['geometry'].notna()] if len(df) == 0: return color_list = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in df['pgv_log']] pgv_intensity = util.intensity_to_pgv(np.arange(1, 9)) # Draw the contour faces. cur_artist =['geometry'], crs = self.projection, facecolor = color_list, edgecolor = 'None', linewidth = 0, alpha = 0.8, zorder = 3) artists.append(cur_artist) import shapely mss_boundary = self.mss_boundary.geometry[0][0] mss_boundary_shrink = mss_boundary.buffer(-100) mss_boundary_split = mss_boundary.buffer(-120) #geometries = geometries[1:3] contour_groups = df.groupby('pgv') group_keys = list(contour_groups.groups.keys()) # Initialize the first contour linewidth. mask = [np.any(np.isclose(x, pgv_intensity[:,1])) for x in group_keys] if np.any(mask): first_ind = np.array(mask).nonzero()[0][0] if first_ind % 2 == 0: contour_width = 'fat' else: contour_width = 'thin' else: contour_width = 'fat' for cnt_group, (cur_name, cur_group) in enumerate(contour_groups): geometries = cur_group.geometry if contour_width == 'fat': linewidth = 0.4 contour_width = 'thin' else: linewidth = 0.2 contour_width = 'fat' if np.any(np.isclose(cur_name, pgv_intensity[:, 1])): linestyle = 'dashed' linewidth = 0.6 else: linestyle = 'solid' for k, cur_geom in enumerate(geometries): if not cur_geom.within(mss_boundary): cur_split = shapely.ops.split(cur_geom.boundary, mss_boundary_split.boundary) cur_split = [x for x in cur_split if x.within(mss_boundary_shrink)] edgecolor = 'k' else: cur_split = [cur_geom.exterior] edgecolor = 'k' if cnt_group < len(contour_groups) - 1: next_group = contour_groups.get_group(group_keys[cnt_group + 1]) next_level_geom = next_group.geometry for cur_next_level in next_level_geom: cur_split = [x for x in cur_split if (not x.overlaps(cur_next_level.boundary)) and (not x.within(cur_next_level.buffer(50)))] cur_artist =, crs = self.projection, edgecolor = edgecolor, facecolor = (1, 1, 1, 0), linewidth = linewidth, linestyle = linestyle, zorder = 4) artists.append(cur_artist) if draw_labels: # Add the contour line annotations. cur_mask = np.isclose(cur_name, pgv_intensity[:, 1]) if np.any(cur_mask) and (len(cur_split) > 0): cur_intensity = int(pgv_intensity[cur_mask, 0][0]) cur_label = '{pgv} ({intensity})'.format(pgv = np.round(cur_name * 1000, 3), intensity = self.intensity_labels[cur_intensity]) longest_ind = np.argmax([x.length for x in cur_split]) cur_geom = cur_split[longest_ind] cur_artist =, xy = cur_geom.coords[0], fontsize = 4, ha = 'center', va = 'center', zorder = 20) artists.append(cur_artist) self.artists.extend(artists)
[docs] def draw_contours_working(self, df, draw_labels = False, draw_fat_contours = False): ''' Deprecated. Draw the PGV contours. ''' cmap = self.cmap norm = self.norm artists = []; # Ignore the contours below the felt threshold. felt = df['pgv'] >= 0.1e-6 df = df[felt] # Remove the rows having no geometry. df = df[df['geometry'].notna()] if len(df) == 0: return color_list = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in df['pgv_log']] linewidth_list = np.array([0.2] * len(df['pgv_log'])) pgv_intensity = util.intensity_to_pgv(np.arange(1, 9)) pgv_annotate = pgv_intensity[:, 1] if draw_fat_contours: for cur_annotate in pgv_annotate: linewidth_list[np.isclose(df['pgv'], cur_annotate)] = 0.4 # Plot the contours below the felt threshold. cur_artist =['geometry'], crs = self.projection, facecolor = color_list, edgecolor = 'black', linewidth = linewidth_list, alpha = 0.8, zorder = 3) artists.append(cur_artist) if draw_labels: # Add the contour line annotations. for cur_annotate in pgv_annotate: cur_mask = np.isclose(df['pgv'], cur_annotate) cur_df = df[cur_mask] for cur_id, cur_row in cur_df.iterrows(): cur_label = np.round(cur_row['pgv'] * 1000, 3) cur_geom = cur_row['geometry'] cur_artist =, xy = cur_geom.exterior.coords[0], fontsize = 4, ha = 'center', va = 'center', zorder = 10) artists.append(cur_artist) self.artists.extend(artists)
[docs] def draw_simplices(self, df, data_col = 'pgv_min_log'): ''' Draw the detection simplices. Parameters ---------- df: :class:`geopandas.GeoDataFrame` The dataframe used to compute the pgv level. data_col: str The data columne in df used for the PGV data. ''' cmap = self.cmap norm = self.norm # Draw the simplices that didn't trigger cur_df = df[(df.triggered == False) & (df.added_to_event == False)] color_list = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in cur_df[data_col]] artists = [] # Draw the polygon faces. cur_artist =['geometry'], crs = self.projection, facecolor = color_list, edgecolor = None, alpha = 0.3, zorder = 3) artists.append(cur_artist) # Draw the polygon edges cur_artist =['geometry'], crs = self.projection, facecolor = (1, 1, 1, 0), edgecolor = 'darkgray', linewidth = 0.2, zorder = 4) artists.append(cur_artist) # Draw the simplices that have an active trigger. cur_df = df[(df.triggered == True)] color_list = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in cur_df[data_col]] # Draw the polygon faces. cur_artist =['geometry'], crs = self.projection, facecolor = color_list, edgecolor = None, alpha = 0.8, zorder = 3) artists.append(cur_artist) # Draw the polygon edges cur_artist =['geometry'], crs = self.projection, facecolor = (1, 1, 1, 0), edgecolor = 'maroon', linewidth = 0.4, zorder = 6) artists.append(cur_artist) # Draw the simplices that have no trigger, but have been added to the event. cur_df = df[(df.triggered == False) & (df.added_to_event == True)] color_list = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in cur_df[data_col]] # Draw the polygon faces. cur_artist =['geometry'], crs = self.projection, facecolor = color_list, edgecolor = None, alpha = 0.8, zorder = 3) artists.append(cur_artist) # Draw the polygon edges cur_artist =['geometry'], crs = self.projection, facecolor = (1, 1, 1, 0), edgecolor = 'darkolivegreen', linewidth = 0.6, zorder = 5) artists.append(cur_artist) self.artists.extend(artists)
[docs] def draw_detection_stations(self, df, use_sa = False): ''' Draw the detecion stations. ''' cmap = self.cmap norm = self.norm artists = [] # Get the max pgv of stations with a pgv value. if use_sa: with_data_df = df[df['pgv_corr'].notna()] colorlist = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in with_data_df.pgv_corr_log] else: with_data_df = df[df['pgv'].notna()] colorlist = [cmap(norm(x)) for x in with_data_df.pgv_log] # Plot the stations used for detection. x_coord = [x.geometry.x for x in with_data_df.itertuples()] y_coord = [x.geometry.y for x in with_data_df.itertuples()] cur_artist =, y_coord, transform = self.projection, s = 15, color = colorlist, edgecolor = 'k', linewidth = 0.2, zorder = 9) artists.append(cur_artist) # Plot the stations not used for detection. if use_sa: no_data_df = df[df['pgv_corr'].isna()] else: no_data_df = df[df['pgv'].isna()] x_coord = [x.geometry.x for x in no_data_df.itertuples()] y_coord = [x.geometry.y for x in no_data_df.itertuples()] cur_artist =, y_coord, transform = self.projection, s = 5, color = 'darkgray', edgecolor = 'k', linewidth = 0.2, zorder = 10) artists.append(cur_artist) self.artists.extend(artists)
[docs] def draw_boundary(self): ''' Draw the MSS network boundary. ''' artists = [] cur_artist =['geometry'], crs = self.projection, facecolor = (1, 1, 1, 0), edgecolor = 'turquoise', linestyle = 'dashed', zorder = 2) artists.append(cur_artist) self.artists.extend(artists)
[docs] def draw_attribution_note(self): ''' Draw the map data contribution note. ''' artists = [] cont_string = 'Map based on data from OE3D and OpenStreetMap. Generated with QGis and Python. CC BY-SA 4.0.' cur_artist = = 0.005, y = 0.002, s = cont_string, ha = 'left', va = 'bottom', fontsize = 3, transform = artists.append(cur_artist) text_extent = cur_artist.get_window_extent(renderer = self.fig.canvas.get_renderer()).transformed( width = text_extent.width + 0.03 height = text_extent.height + 0.003 background_rect = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((0, 0), width = width, height = height, facecolor = 'lightgray', edgecolor = 'None', alpha = 0.7, transform =, zorder = 2) cur_artist = artists.append(cur_artist) self.artists.extend(artists)
[docs] def create_movie(self, image_dir, output_dir, img_name, video_name, file_ext = 'png'): ''' Create a movie using ffmpeg. Parameters ---------- image_dir: str The directory where the input images used to create the movie are saved. output_dir: str The directory where to save the movie. img_name: str The base name of the image files. The complete search string is built using '{public_id}_{name}_*.{ext}'. video_name: str The base name of the video output file. file_ext: str The file extension of the input images. ''' img_filepath = os.path.join(image_dir, '{public_id}_{name}_*.{ext}'.format(public_id = self.event_public_id, name = img_name, ext = file_ext)) movie_filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, '{public_id}_{vid_name}.mp4'.format(public_id = self.event_public_id, vid_name = video_name)) stream = ffmpeg.input(img_filepath, pattern_type = 'glob', framerate = 2) stream = stream.filter('scale', width = 'trunc(iw/2)*2', height = 'trunc(ih/2)*2') stream = stream.filter('scale', size = 'hd1080', force_original_aspect_ratio = 'decrease') #stream = stream.filter('pad', # width = 1920, # height = 1080, # x = '(ow - iw) / 2', # y = '(oh - ih) / 2', # color = 'red') stream = stream.output(filename = movie_filepath, format = 'mp4', pix_fmt = 'yuv420p') stream = stream.overwrite_output() stream =
[docs] def create_event_pgv_map(self): ''' Create the event PGV map. ''' # Initialize the map. if self.fig is None: self.init_map(utm_zone = 33) else: self.clear_map() # Create the output directory. output_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.event_dir, 'eventpgv', 'images') if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) # Read the event pgv voronoi data. event_pgv_df = util.get_supplement_data(public_id = self.event_public_id, category = 'eventpgv', name = 'pgvvoronoi', directory = self.supplement_dir) event_pgv_props = event_pgv_df.attrs # Convert the pandas dataframe to cartopy projection. event_pgv_df = event_pgv_df.to_crs(self.projection.proj4_init) # Add the logarithmic pgv values. event_pgv_df.insert(3, "pgv_corr", event_pgv_df.pgv / event_pgv_df.insert(4, "pgv_log", np.log10(event_pgv_df.pgv)) event_pgv_df.insert(5, "pgv_corr_log", np.log10(event_pgv_df.pgv_corr)) # Read the station pgv data. station_pgv_df = util.get_supplement_data(public_id = self.event_public_id, category = 'eventpgv', name = 'pgvstation', directory = self.supplement_dir) station_pgv_props = station_pgv_df.attrs # Convert the pandas dataframe to cartopy projection. station_pgv_df = station_pgv_df.to_crs(self.projection.proj4_init) # Compute the corrected and the logarithmic pgv data. station_pgv_df.insert(4, "pgv_corr", station_pgv_df.pgv / station_pgv_df.insert(5, 'pgv_log', np.log10(station_pgv_df.pgv)) station_pgv_df.insert(6, 'pgv_corr_log', np.log10(station_pgv_df.pgv_corr)) # Draw the voronoi cells using the station corrections. # The voronoi cells represent interpolated data, therefore # the station corrections are applied. self.draw_voronoi_cells(df = event_pgv_df, use_sa = True) # Plot the station max pgv markers without station corrections. # The stations mark individual data markers, therefore, the # station correction is not applied. self.draw_station_pgv(df = station_pgv_df, use_sa = False) # Draw the network boundary. self.draw_boundary() # Draw the public id and the time marker. from_zone ='UTC') to_zone ='CET') event_start = obspy.UTCDateTime(station_pgv_props['event_start']) event_end = obspy.UTCDateTime(station_pgv_props['event_end']) event_start_local = event_start.datetime.replace(tzinfo = from_zone).astimezone(to_zone) self.draw_time_marker(duration = event_end - event_start, time = event_start_local) # Draw the max. pgv level indicator in the colorbar axes. # Use the station corrections to represent the interpolated, # regional data. self.draw_pgv_level(df = station_pgv_df, use_sa = True) # Save the map image. filename = self.event_public_id + '_pgvvoronoi.png' filepath = os.path.join(output_dir, filename) self.fig.savefig(filepath, dpi = 300, pil_kwargs = {'quality': 85}, bbox_inches = 'tight', pad_inches = 0,)
def create_detection_sequence_movie(self): ''' Create the movie of the detection sequence. ''' # Initialize the map. if self.fig is None: self.init_map(utm_zone = 33) else: self.clear_map() # Create the output directory. img_output_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.event_dir, 'detectionsequence', 'images') if not os.path.exists(img_output_dir): os.makedirs(img_output_dir) movie_output_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.event_dir, 'detectionsequence', 'movie') if not os.path.exists(movie_output_dir): os.makedirs(movie_output_dir) # Load the detection sequence data from the geojson file. sequ_df = util.get_supplement_data(public_id = self.event_public_id, category = 'detectionsequence', name = 'simplices', directory = self.supplement_dir) sequ_df_props = sequ_df.attrs # Convert the geopandas dataframe to cartopy projection. sequ_df = sequ_df.to_crs(self.projection.proj4_init) # Add the logarithmic pgv values. sequ_df.insert(5, "pgv_min_log", np.log10(sequ_df.pgv_min)) sequ_df.insert(6, "pgv_max_log", np.log10(sequ_df.pgv_max)) # Load the station pgv sequence data from the geojson file. stat_df = util.get_supplement_data(public_id = self.event_public_id, category = 'pgvsequence', name = 'pgvstation', directory = self.supplement_dir) stat_df_props = stat_df.attrs # convert the geopandas dataframe to cartopy projection. stat_df = stat_df.to_crs(self.projection.proj4_init) stat_df.insert(3, "pgv_log", np.log10(stat_df.pgv)) # Initialize the maximum event PGV value used to plot the PGV level. max_event_pgv = None # Set the time zones for conversion. from_zone ='UTC') to_zone ='CET') # Iterate through the time groups. time_groups = sequ_df.groupby('time') stat_time_groups = stat_df.groupby('time') for cur_name, cur_group in enumerate(time_groups): cur_time = obspy.UTCDateTime(cur_name) # Get the related pgvstation frame. cur_stat_df = stat_time_groups.get_group(cur_name) # Convert to local time. cur_time_local = cur_time.datetime.replace(tzinfo = from_zone).astimezone(to_zone) # Draw the network boundary. self.draw_boundary() # Draw the detection triangles. self.draw_simplices(df = cur_group) # Draw the station markers. self.draw_detection_stations(df = cur_stat_df) # Draw the time information. self.draw_time_marker(time = cur_time_local) # Draw the PGV level. max_event_pgv = self.draw_detection_pgv_level(df = cur_group, max_event_pgv = max_event_pgv)
[docs] def create_detection_sequence_movie(self): ''' Create the movie of the detection sequence. ''' # Initialize the map. if self.fig is None: self.init_map(utm_zone = 33) else: self.clear_map() # Create the output directory. img_output_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.event_dir, 'detectionsequence', 'images') if not os.path.exists(img_output_dir): os.makedirs(img_output_dir) movie_output_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.event_dir, 'detectionsequence', 'movie') if not os.path.exists(movie_output_dir): os.makedirs(movie_output_dir) # Load the detection sequence data from the geojson file. sequ_df = util.get_supplement_data(public_id = self.event_public_id, category = 'detectionsequence', name = 'simplices', directory = self.supplement_dir) sequ_df_props = sequ_df.attrs # Convert the geopandas dataframe to cartopy projection. sequ_df = sequ_df.to_crs(self.projection.proj4_init) # Add the logarithmic pgv values. sequ_df.insert(5, "pgv_min_log", np.log10(sequ_df.pgv_min)) sequ_df.insert(6, "pgv_max_log", np.log10(sequ_df.pgv_max)) # Load the station pgv sequence data from the geojson file. stat_df = util.get_supplement_data(public_id = self.event_public_id, category = 'pgvsequence', name = 'pgvstation', directory = self.supplement_dir) stat_df_props = stat_df.attrs # convert the geopandas dataframe to cartopy projection. stat_df = stat_df.to_crs(self.projection.proj4_init) stat_df.insert(3, "pgv_log", np.log10(stat_df.pgv)) # Initialize the maximum event PGV value used to plot the PGV level. max_event_pgv = None # Set the time zones for conversion. from_zone ='UTC') to_zone ='CET') # Iterate through the time groups. time_groups = sequ_df.groupby('time') stat_time_groups = stat_df.groupby('time') for cur_name, cur_group in time_groups: cur_time = obspy.UTCDateTime(cur_name) # Get the related pgvstation frame. cur_stat_df = stat_time_groups.get_group(cur_name) # Convert to local time. cur_time_local = cur_time.datetime.replace(tzinfo = from_zone).astimezone(to_zone) # Draw the network boundary. self.draw_boundary() # Draw the detection triangles. self.draw_simplices(df = cur_group) # Draw the station markers. self.draw_detection_stations(df = cur_stat_df) # Draw the time information. self.draw_time_marker(time = cur_time_local) # Draw the PGV level. max_event_pgv = self.draw_detection_pgv_level(df = cur_group, max_event_pgv = max_event_pgv) cur_date_string = cur_time.isoformat().replace(':', '').replace('.', '') cur_filename = self.event_public_id + '_detectionframe_' + cur_date_string + '.png' cur_filepath = os.path.join(img_output_dir, cur_filename) self.fig.savefig(cur_filepath, dpi = 300, pil_kwargs = {'quality': 80}, bbox_inches = 'tight', pad_inches = 0,) self.clear_map() self.create_movie(image_dir = img_output_dir, output_dir = movie_output_dir, img_name = 'detectionframe', video_name = 'detection_sequence')
[docs] def create_pgv_contour_sequence_movie(self): ''' Create the movie of the pgv contour sequence. ''' # Initialize the map. if self.fig is None: self.init_map(utm_zone = 33) else: self.clear_map() # Create the output directory. img_output_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.event_dir, 'pgvcontoursequence', 'images') if not os.path.exists(img_output_dir): os.makedirs(img_output_dir) movie_output_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.event_dir, 'pgvcontoursequence', 'movie') if not os.path.exists(movie_output_dir): os.makedirs(movie_output_dir) # Load the detection sequence data from the geojson file.'Loading the contour sequence data.') sequ_df = util.get_supplement_data(public_id = self.event_public_id, category = 'pgvsequence', name = 'pgvcontour', directory = self.supplement_dir) sequ_df_props = sequ_df.attrs # Convert the geopandas dataframe to cartopy projection. sequ_df = sequ_df.to_crs(self.projection.proj4_init) # Add the logarithmic pgv values. sequ_df.insert(4, "pgv_log", np.log10(sequ_df.pgv)) # Load the station pgv sequence data from the geojson file. stat_df = util.get_supplement_data(public_id = self.event_public_id, category = 'pgvsequence', name = 'pgvstation', directory = self.supplement_dir) stat_df_props = stat_df.attrs # convert the geopandas dataframe to cartopy projection. stat_df = stat_df.to_crs(self.projection.proj4_init) stat_df.insert(4, "pgv_corr", stat_df.pgv / stat_df.insert(5, "pgv_log", np.log10(stat_df.pgv)) stat_df.insert(6, "pgv_corr_log", np.log10(stat_df.pgv_corr)) # Set the time zones for conversion. from_zone ='UTC') to_zone ='CET') # Iterate through the time groups. time_groups = sequ_df.groupby('time') stat_time_groups = stat_df.groupby('time') max_event_pgv = None for cur_name, cur_group in time_groups: cur_time = obspy.UTCDateTime(cur_name)'Processing time frame: %s.', cur_time) # Get the related pgvstation frame. cur_stat_df = stat_time_groups.get_group(cur_name) # Convert to local time. cur_time_local = cur_time.datetime.replace(tzinfo = from_zone).astimezone(to_zone) # Draw the pgv contour polygons. self.draw_contours(df = cur_group, draw_labels = True) # Draw the station markers. # The stations represent individual data points, therefore # the station correction is not applied. self.draw_detection_stations(df = cur_stat_df, use_sa = False) # Draw the time information. self.draw_time_marker(time = cur_time_local) # Draw the network boundary. self.draw_boundary() # Draw the PGV level. max_event_pgv = self.draw_pgv_level(df = cur_stat_df, max_event_pgv = max_event_pgv, use_sa = True, show_max_level = True) cur_date_string = cur_time.isoformat().replace(':', '').replace('.', '') cur_filename = self.event_public_id + '_pgvcontourframe_' + cur_date_string + '.png' cur_filepath = os.path.join(img_output_dir, cur_filename) self.fig.savefig(cur_filepath, dpi = 300, pil_kwargs = {'quality': 80}, bbox_inches = 'tight', pad_inches = 0,) self.clear_map() self.create_movie(image_dir = img_output_dir, output_dir = movie_output_dir, img_name = 'pgvcontourframe', video_name = 'pgvcontoursequence')
[docs] def create_pgv_contour_map(self): ''' Create a map of the event pgv contours. ''' # Initialize the map. if self.fig is None: self.init_map(utm_zone = 33) else: self.clear_map() # Create the output directory. img_output_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, self.event_dir, 'eventpgv', 'images') if not os.path.exists(img_output_dir): os.makedirs(img_output_dir) # Read the event pgv contour data. cont_df = util.get_supplement_data(public_id = self.event_public_id, category = 'eventpgv', name = 'isoseismalfilledcontour', directory = self.supplement_dir) cont_props = cont_df.attrs # Convert the geopandas dataframe to cartopy projection. cont_df = cont_df.to_crs(self.projection.proj4_init) # Add the logarithmic pgv values. cont_df["pgv_log"] = np.log10(cont_df.pgv) # Read the station pgv data. station_pgv_df = util.get_supplement_data(public_id = self.event_public_id, category = 'eventpgv', name = 'pgvstation', directory = self.supplement_dir) # Convert the pandas dataframe to cartopy projection. station_pgv_df = station_pgv_df.to_crs(self.projection.proj4_init) # Compute the corrected and the logarithmic pgv data. station_pgv_df.insert(4, "pgv_corr", station_pgv_df.pgv / station_pgv_df.insert(5, 'pgv_log', np.log10(station_pgv_df.pgv)) station_pgv_df.insert(6, 'pgv_corr_log', np.log10(station_pgv_df.pgv_corr)) # Draw the pgv contour polygons. self.draw_contours(df = cont_df, draw_labels = True) # Plot the station max pgv markers. self.draw_detection_stations(df = station_pgv_df, use_sa = False) # Draw the max. pgv level indicator in the colorbar axes. self.draw_pgv_level(df = station_pgv_df, use_sa = True) # Draw the time information. # Draw the public id and the time marker. from_zone ='UTC') to_zone ='CET') event_start = obspy.UTCDateTime(cont_props['event_start']) event_end = obspy.UTCDateTime(cont_props['event_end']) event_start_local = event_start.datetime.replace(tzinfo = from_zone).astimezone(to_zone) self.draw_time_marker(duration = event_end - event_start, time = event_start_local,) # Draw the network boundary. self.draw_boundary() cur_filename = self.event_public_id + '_pgvcontour.png' cur_filepath = os.path.join(img_output_dir, cur_filename) self.fig.savefig(cur_filepath, dpi = 300, pil_kwargs = {'quality': 80}, bbox_inches = 'tight', pad_inches = 0,) self.clear_map()