Source code for mss_dataserver.event.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # This file is part of mss_dataserver.
 # If you use mss_dataserver in any program or publication, please inform and
 # acknowledge its authors.
 # mss_dataserver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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 # mss_dataserver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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 # Copyright 2019 Stefan Mertl
''' Event handling with library, catalogs and events.

from builtins import str
from builtins import zip
from builtins import object
import itertools
import logging
import warnings

import obspy
import obspy.core.utcdatetime as utcdatetime
import mss_dataserver.event.detection as detection

#from profilehooks import profile

[docs]class Event(object): ''' A seismic event. Parameters ---------- start_time: str or :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime` The start time of the event. A string that can be parsed by :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime` or a :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime` instance. end_time: str or :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime` The end time of the event. A string that can be parsed by :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime` or a :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime` instance. db_id: int The database id of the event. public_id: str The public id of the event. event_type: str The type of the event. event_type_certainty: str The certainty of the event type. description: str The description of the event. comment: str The comment to the event. tags: list of str The tags of the event. agency_uri: str The Uniform Resource Identifier of the author agency. author_uri: str The Uniform Resource Identifier of the author. creation_time: str or :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime` The creation time of the event. A string that can be parsed by :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime` or a :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime` instance. parent: object The parent object containing the event. changed: bool Flag indicating if one of the event attributes has changes. detection: list of :class:`mss_dataserver.detection.Detection` The detections associated to the event. Attributes ---------- detection_state: str The state of the event detection [new, updated, closed]. pgv_stream: :class:`obspy.Stream` The PGV stream of the event. detection_data: dict A dictionary holding the detection data related to the event. The detection data is created during the detection process using :class:`mss_dataserver.event.delaunay_detection.DelaunayDetector`. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, start_time, end_time, db_id = None, public_id = None, event_type = None, event_type_certainty = None, description = None, comment = None, tags = [], agency_uri = None, author_uri = None, creation_time = None, parent = None, changed = True, detections = None): ''' Instance initialization ''' # Check for correct input arguments. # Check for None values in the event limits. if start_time is None or end_time is None: raise ValueError("None values are not allowed for the event time limits.") # Check the event limits. if end_time < start_time: raise ValueError("The end_time %s is smaller than the start_time %s.", end_time, start_time) # The parent object holding this event. Most likely this is a event # Catalog instance. self.parent = parent # The unique database id. self.db_id = db_id # The start time of the event. self.start_time = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(start_time) # The end time of the event. self.end_time = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(end_time) # The event type. self.event_type = event_type # The certainty of the event_type. self.event_type_certainty = event_type_certainty # The description of the event. self.description = description # The comment added to the event. self.comment = comment # The tags of the event. self.tags = tags # The detections associated with the event. if detections is None: self.detections = [] else: self.detections = detections # The agency_uri of the creator. self.agency_uri = agency_uri # The author_uri of the creator. self.author_uri = author_uri # The time of creation of this event. if creation_time is None: creation_time = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime() self.creation_time = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(creation_time) # Flag to indicate a change of the event attributes. self.changed = changed # State of the event during detection (new, updated, closed). self.detection_state = None # The PGV data stream. self.pgv_stream = obspy.Stream() # The event detection data. self.detection_data = {} # The unique public id. self._public_id = public_id
@property def rid(self): ''' str: The resource ID of the event. ''' return '/event/' + str(self.db_id) @property def public_id(self): ''' str: The public ID of the event. ''' if self._public_id is None: prefix = '' if self.agency_uri is not None: prefix += self.agency_uri + '_' if self.author_uri is not None: prefix += self.author_uri + '_' strftime_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H%M%S' start_time_string = self.start_time.strftime(strftime_format) start_time_string += '{0:06d}'.format(self.start_time.microsecond) if len(prefix) > 0: public_id = prefix + start_time_string else: public_id = start_time_string return public_id else: return self._public_id @property def start_time_string(self): ''' str: The string representation of the start time. ''' return self.start_time.isoformat() @property def end_time_string(self): ''' str: The string representation of the end time. ''' return self.end_time.isoformat() @property def length(self): ''' float: The length of the event in seconds. ''' return self.end_time - self.start_time @property def max_pgv(self): ''' float: The maximum PGV of all detections. ''' if len(self.detections) > 0: return max([x.absolute_max_pgv for x in self.detections]) else: return None @property def triggered_stations(self): ''' list of tuple of str: The nsl codes of the stations that contributed to a detection. ''' nsl = [] for cur_detection in self.detections: for cur_key in cur_detection.max_pgv.keys(): if cur_key not in nsl: nsl.append(cur_key) return sorted(nsl)
[docs] def get_max_pgv_per_station(self): ''' Compute the maximum PGV of the individual stations that have been associated to a detection. Returns ------- max_pgv: dict of float The maximum PGV values of the stations. ''' max_pgv = {} for cur_detection in self.detections: for cur_key, cur_pgv in cur_detection.max_pgv.items(): if cur_key not in max_pgv: max_pgv[cur_key] = float(cur_pgv) elif cur_pgv > max_pgv[cur_key]: max_pgv[cur_key] = float(cur_pgv) return max_pgv
[docs] def get_detection_limits_per_station(self): ''' Compute the detection start and end times for each station. Returns ------- detection_limits: dict of :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime` The detection limits of the stations. ''' detection_limits = {} for cur_detection in self.detections: cur_start = cur_detection.start_time cur_end = cur_detection.end_time for cur_station in cur_detection.stations: if cur_station.nsl_string not in detection_limits.keys(): detection_limits[cur_station.nsl_string] = [cur_start, cur_end] elif cur_start < detection_limits[cur_station.nsl_string][0]: detection_limits[cur_station.nsl_string][0] = cur_start elif cur_end > detection_limits[cur_station.nsl_string][1]: detection_limits[cur_station.nsl_string][1] = cur_end return detection_limits
[docs] def station_has_triggered(self, station): ''' Check if a detection has been triggered at a station. Parameters ---------- station: :class:`mss_dataserver.geometry.inventory.Station` The station to check. Returns ------- has_triggered: bool True, if the station has triggered, False otherwise. ''' found_detections = [] has_triggered = False for cur_detection in self.detections: if station in cur_detection.stations: found_detections.append(cur_detection) if len(found_detections) > 0: has_triggered = True return has_triggered
[docs] def add_detection(self, detection): ''' Add a detection to the event. Parameters ---------- detection: :class:`mss_dataserver.event.detection.Detection` or :obj:`list` of :class:`mss_dataserver.event.detection.Detection` The detection(s) to add. ''' if type(detection) is list: self.detections.extend(detection) else: self.detections.append(detection)
[docs] def get_detection(self, stations): ''' Get a detection with the provided stations. Parameters ---------- stations: :obj:`list` of :class:`mss_dataserver.geometry.Inventory.Station` The stations for which to get the detections. Returns ------- found_detections: :obj:`list` of :class:`mss_dataserver.event.detection.Detection` The matching detections. ''' unique_stations = [] for cur_station in stations: if cur_station not in unique_stations: unique_stations.append(cur_station) found_detections = [] for cur_detection in self.detections: found = [x for x in unique_stations if x in cur_detection.stations] if len(found) == len(cur_detection.stations): found_detections.append(cur_detection) return found_detections
[docs] def has_detection(self, stations): ''' Check if a detection is available for a set of stations. Parameters ---------- stations: :obj:`list` of :class:`mss_dataserver.geometry.Inventory.Station` The stations for which to get the detections. Returns ------- bool True if a detection is available for the stations. False otherwise. ''' detections = self.get_detection(stations) if len(detections) > 0: return True else: return False
[docs] def assign_channel_to_detections(self, inventory): ''' Set the channels according to the rec_stream_ids. Parameters ---------- inventory: :class:`mss_dataserver.geometry.inventory.Inventory` The inventory used to find the matching channel. ''' # Get the unique stream ids. id_list = [x.rec_stream_id for x in self.detections] id_list = list(set(id_list)) # Get the channels for the ids. channels = [inventory.get_channel_from_stream(id = x) for x in id_list] channels = [x[0] if len(x) == 1 else None for x in channels] channels = dict(list(zip(id_list, channels))) for cur_detection in self.detections: = channels[cur_detection.rec_stream_id]
[docs] def write_to_database(self, project): ''' Write the event to the database. Parameters ---------- project: :class:`mss_dataserver.core.project.Project` The project to use to access the database. ''' if self.db_id is None: # If the db_id is None, insert a new event. if self.creation_time is not None: creation_time = self.creation_time.isoformat() else: creation_time = None if self.parent is not None: catalog_id = self.parent.db_id else: catalog_id = None db_session = project.get_db_session() try: db_event_orm = project.db_tables['event'] db_event = db_event_orm(ev_catalog_id = catalog_id, start_time = self.start_time.timestamp, end_time = self.end_time.timestamp, public_id = self.public_id, pref_origin_id = None, pref_magnitude_id = None, pref_focmec_id = None, ev_type_id = None, ev_type_certainty = self.event_type_certainty, description = self.description, agency_uri = self.agency_uri, author_uri = self.author_uri, creation_time = creation_time) # Commit the event to the database to get an id. db_session.add(db_event) db_session.commit() self.db_id = # Add the detections to the event. Do this after the event got an # id. if len(self.detections) > 0: # Load the detection_orms from the database. detection_table = project.db_tables['detection'] d2e_orm_class = project.db_tables['detection_to_event'] query = db_session.query(detection_table).\ filter([x.db_id for x in self.detections])) for cur_detection_orm in query: d2e_orm = d2e_orm_class(ev_id = self.db_id, det_id = db_event.detections.append(d2e_orm) db_session.commit() self.changed = False finally: db_session.close() else: # If the db_id is not None, update the existing event. db_session = project.get_db_session() try: db_event_orm = project.db_tables['event'] query = db_session.query(db_event_orm).filter( == self.db_id) if db_session.query(query.exists()): db_event = query.scalar() if self.parent is not None: db_event.ev_catalog_id = self.parent.db_id else: db_event.ev_catalog_id = None db_event.start_time = self.start_time.timestamp db_event.end_time = self.end_time.timestamp db_event.public_id = self.public_id #db_event.pref_origin_id = self.pref_origin_id #db_event.pref_magnitude_id = self.pref_magnitude_id #db_event.pref_focmec_id = self.pref_focmec_id db_event.ev_type = self.event_type db_event.ev_type_certainty = self.event_type_certainty db_event.tags = ','.join(self.tags) db_event.agency_uri = self.agency_uri db_event.author_uri = self.author_uri if self.creation_time is not None: db_event.creation_time = self.creation_time.isoformat() else: db_event.creation_time = None # TODO: Add the handling of changed detections assigned to this # event. db_session.commit() self.changed = False else: raise RuntimeError("The event with ID=%d was not found in the database.", self.db_id) finally: db_session.close()
[docs] def get_db_orm(self, project): ''' Get an orm representation to use it for bulk insertion into the database. Parameters ---------- project: :class:`mss_dataserver.core.project.Project` The project to use to access the database. Returns ------- :class:`EventDb` An instance of the sqlalchemy Table Mapper class defined in :meth:`mss_dataserver.event.databaseFactory`. ''' db_event_orm_class = project.db_tables['event'] d2e_orm_class = project.db_tables['detection_to_event'] if self.creation_time is not None: cur_creation_time = self.creation_time.isoformat() else: cur_creation_time = None if self.parent is not None: catalog_id = self.parent.db_id else: catalog_id = None labels = ['ev_catalog_id', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'public_id', 'description', 'comment', 'tags', 'ev_type_id', 'ev_type_certainty', 'pref_origin_id', 'pref_magnitude_id', 'pref_focmec_id', 'agency_uri', 'author_uri', 'creation_time'] db_dict = dict(list(zip(labels, (catalog_id, self.start_time.timestamp, self.end_time.timestamp, self.public_id, self.description, self.comment, ','.join(self.tags), self.event_type, self.event_type_certainty, None, None, None, self.agency_uri, self.author_uri, cur_creation_time)))) db_event = db_event_orm_class(**db_dict) for cur_detection in self.detections: cur_d2e_orm = d2e_orm_class(ev_id = None, det_id = cur_detection.db_id) #cur_d2e_orm.detection = cur_detection.get_db_orm(project) db_event.detections.append(cur_d2e_orm) return db_event
[docs] @classmethod def from_orm(cls, db_event, inventory): ''' Convert a database orm mapper event to a event. Parameters ---------- db_event : :class:`EventDb` An instance of the sqlalchemy Table Mapper class defined in :meth:`mss_dataserver.event.databaseFactory`. inventory: :class:`mss_dataserver.geometry.inventory.Inventory` The inventory used to map geometry information to the event. Returns ------- :class:`mss_dataserver.event.core.Event` The event created from the database ORM instance. ''' if db_event.tags: event_tags = db_event.tags.split(',') else: event_tags = [] event = cls(start_time = db_event.start_time, end_time = db_event.end_time, db_id =, public_id = db_event.public_id, event_type = db_event.event_type, event_type_certainty = db_event.ev_type_certainty, description = db_event.description, tags = event_tags, agency_uri = db_event.agency_uri, author_uri = db_event.author_uri, creation_time = db_event.creation_time, detections = [detection.Detection.from_orm(x.detection, inventory) for x in db_event.detections], changed = False ) return event
[docs]class Catalog(object): ''' A catalog holding seismic events. Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the catalog. db_id: int The database id of the catalog. description: str The description of the catalog. agency_uri: str The uniform resource identifier of the author agency. author_uri: str The uniform resource identifier of the author. creation_time: :obj:`str` or :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime` The creation time of the event. A string that can be parsed by :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime` or a :class:`obspy.UTCDateTime` instance. events: :obj:`list` of :class:`~mss_dataserver.event.core.Event` The events of the catalog. Attributes ---------- logger: logging.Logger The logger of the instance. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, name, db_id = None, description = None, agency_uri = None, author_uri = None, creation_time = None, events = None): ''' Instance initialization. ''' # The logging logger instance. logger_name = __name__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) # The unique database ID. self.db_id = db_id # The name of the catalog. = name # The description of the catalog. self.description = description # The agency_uri of the creator. self.agency_uri = agency_uri # The author_uri of the creator. self.author_uri = author_uri # The time of creation of this event. if creation_time is None: self.creation_time = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime() else: self.creation_time = utcdatetime.UTCDateTime(creation_time) # The events of the catalog. if events is None: = [] else: = events
[docs] def add_events(self, events): ''' Add one or more events to the events. Parameters ---------- events : list of :class:`Event` The events to add to the catalog. ''' for cur_event in events: cur_event.parent = self
[docs] def get_events(self, start_time = None, end_time = None, **kwargs): ''' Get events using search criteria passed as keywords. Only events already loaded from the database are searched. Parameters ---------- start_time : :class:`obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` The minimum starttime of the detections. end_time : :class:`obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` The maximum end_time of the detections. Keyword Arguments ----------------- db_id: int The database id of the event. public_id: str The public_id of the event. event_type: str The event type (not yet implemented). changed: bool True is an event has changed, False otherwise. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :class:`Event` The events matching the search criteria. ''' ret_events = valid_keys = ['db_id', 'public_id', 'event_type', 'changed'] for cur_key, cur_value in kwargs.items(): if cur_value is None: continue if cur_key in valid_keys: ret_events = [x for x in ret_events if getattr(x, cur_key) == cur_value] else: warnings.warn('Search attribute %s is not existing.' % cur_key, RuntimeWarning) if start_time is not None: ret_events = [x for x in ret_events if (x.end_time is None) or (x.end_time > start_time)] if end_time is not None: ret_events = [x for x in ret_events if x.start_time < end_time] return ret_events
[docs] def write_to_database(self, project, only_changed_events = True, bulk_insert = False): ''' Write the catalog to the database. Attributes ---------- project: :class:`~mss_dataserver.core.project.Project` The project used to access the database. only_changed_events: bool Write only events that have changed to the database. bulk_insert: bool If True, insert all events in one database transaction, otherwise each event is written to the database individually. ''' if self.db_id is None: # If the db_id is None, insert a new catalog. if self.creation_time is not None: creation_time = self.creation_time.isoformat() else: creation_time = None db_session = project.get_db_session() db_catalog_orm = project.db_tables['event_catalog'] db_catalog = db_catalog_orm(name =, description = self.description, agency_uri = self.agency_uri, author_uri = self.author_uri, creation_time = creation_time ) db_session.add(db_catalog) db_session.commit() self.db_id = db_session.close() else: # If the db_id is not None, update the existing event. db_session = project.get_db_session() db_catalog_orm = project.db_tables['event_catalog'] query = db_session.query(db_catalog_orm).filter( == self.db_id) if db_session.query(query.exists()): db_catalog = query.scalar() = db_catalog.description = self.description db_catalog.agency_uri = self.agency_uri db_catalog.author_uri = self.author_uri if self.creation_time is not None: db_catalog.creation_time = self.creation_time.isoformat() else: db_catalog.creation_time = None db_session.commit() db_session.close() else: raise RuntimeError("The event catalog with ID=%d was not found in the database.", self.db_id) # Write or update all events of the catalog to the database. if bulk_insert: db_data = self.get_events_db_data(project = project) db_session = project.get_db_session() try: assigned_detections = [x.detections for x in db_data] for cur_db_data in db_data: cur_db_data.detections = [] db_session.add_all(db_data) db_session.flush() for k, cur_db_data in enumerate(db_data): for cur_detection in assigned_detections[k]: cur_detection.ev_id = db_session.add_all(itertools.chain.from_iterable(assigned_detections)) db_session.commit() finally: db_session.close() else: for cur_event in [x for x in if x.changed is True]: cur_event.write_to_database(project)
[docs] def get_events_db_data(self, project): ''' Get a list of mapper class instances for bulk insert. Attributes ---------- project: :class:`~mss_dataserver.core.project.Project` The project used to access the database. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :class:`mss_dataserver.event.databaseFactory.EventDb` A list of EventDb mapper class instances. See Also -------- :meth:`mss_dataserver.event.databaseFactory` ''' db_data = [x.get_db_orm(project) for x in] return db_data
[docs] def load_events(self, project, start_time = None, end_time = None, event_id = None, min_event_length = None, event_types = None, event_tags = None): ''' Load events from the database. The query can be limited using the allowed keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- project: :class:`~mss_dataserver.core.project.Project` The project used to access the database. start_time : :class:`obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` The begin of the time-span to load. end_time : :class:`obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` The end of the time-span to load. event_id: list of int The database ids of the events to load. min_event_length: float The minimum length of the events to load. event_types: not yet implemented Not yet implemented. event_tags: list of str The tags of an event. ''' if project is None: raise RuntimeError("The project is None. Can't query the database without a project.") db_session = project.get_db_session() try: events_table = project.db_tables['event'] query = db_session.query(events_table).\ filter(events_table.ev_catalog_id == self.db_id) if start_time: query = query.filter(events_table.start_time >= start_time.timestamp) if end_time: query = query.filter(events_table.start_time <= end_time.timestamp) if event_id: query = query.filter( in event_id) if min_event_length: query = query.filter(events_table.end_time - events_table.start_time >= min_event_length) if event_tags: for cur_tag in event_tags: query = query.filter('%' + cur_tag + '%')) events_to_add = [] for cur_orm in query: try: cur_event = Event.from_orm(cur_orm) events_to_add.append(cur_event) except: self.logger.exception("Error when creating an event object from database values for event %d. Skipping this event.", self.add_events(events_to_add) finally: db_session.close()
[docs] def clear_events(self): ''' Clear the events list. ''' = []
[docs] def write_to_csv(self, filepath): ''' Write the events in the catalog to CSV file. Not yet implemented. ''' pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_orm(cls, db_catalog, inventory, load_events = False): ''' Convert a database orm mapper catalog to a catalog. Parameters ---------- db_catalog : :class:`mss_dataserver.event.databaseFactory.EventCatalogDb` The mapper class instance of the event catalog database table. inventory: :class:`mss_dataserver.geometry.inventory.Inventory` The inventory used to map geometry information to the event. load_events : bool If true all events contained in the catalog are loaded from the database. Returns ------- :class:`~mss_dataserver.event.core.Catalog` The event catalog instance. ''' catalog = cls(name =, db_id =, description = db_catalog.description, agency_uri = db_catalog.agency_uri, author_uri = db_catalog.author_uri, creation_time = db_catalog.creation_time ) # Add the events to the catalog. if load_events is True: for cur_db_event in cur_event = Event.from_orm(db_event = cur_db_event, inventory = inventory) catalog.add_events([cur_event,]) return catalog
[docs]class Library(object): ''' Manage a set of event catalogs. Parameters ---------- name: str The name of the library. Attributes ---------- catalogs: dict A dictionary of event catalogs (:class:`~mss_dataserver.event.core.Catalog`) with the name of the catalog as the dictionary key. '''
[docs] def __init__(self, name): ''' Initialize the instance. ''' # The logging logger instance. logger_name = __name__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) # The name of the library. = name # The catalogs of the library. self.catalogs = {}
[docs] def add_catalog(self, catalog): ''' Add one or more catalogs to the library. Parameters ---------- catalog : :class:`Catalog` or list of :class:`Catalog` The catalog(s) to add to the library. ''' if isinstance(catalog, list): for cur_catalog in catalog: self.add_catalog(cur_catalog) else: self.catalogs[] = catalog
[docs] def remove_catalog(self, name): ''' Remove a catalog from the library. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the catalog to remove. Returns ------- :class:`Catalog` The removed catalog. None if no catalog was removed. ''' if name in iter(self.catalogs.keys()): return self.catalogs.pop(name) else: return None
[docs] def clear(self): ''' Remove all catalogs. ''' self.catalogs = {}
[docs] def get_catalogs_in_db(self, project): ''' Query the available catalogs in the database. Parameters ---------- project : :class:`~mss_dataserver.core.project.Project` The project used to access the database. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` The available catalog names in the database. ''' catalog_names = [] db_session = project.get_db_session() try: db_catalog_orm = project.db_tables['event_catalog'] query = db_session.query(db_catalog_orm) if db_session.query(query.exists()): catalog_names = [ for x in query.order_by(] finally: db_session.close() return catalog_names
[docs] def load_catalog_from_db(self, project, name, load_events = False): ''' Load catalogs from the database. Parameters ---------- project : :class:`~mss_dataserver.core.project.Project` The project used to access the database. name : :obj:`str` of :obj:`list` of :obj:`str` The name of the catalog to load from the database. load_events: bool Load the events from the database. ''' if isinstance(name, str): name = [name, ] db_session = project.get_db_session() try: db_catalog_orm = project.db_tables['event_catalog'] query = db_session.query(db_catalog_orm).filter( if db_session.query(query.exists()): for cur_db_catalog in query: cur_catalog = Catalog.from_orm(db_catalog = cur_db_catalog, load_events = load_events, inventory = project.inventory) self.add_catalog(cur_catalog) finally: db_session.close()
[docs] def load_event_from_db(self, project, ev_id = None, public_id = None): ''' Load an event from the database by database id or the public id. Parameters ---------- project : :class:`~mss_dataserver.core.project.Project` The project used to access the database. ev_id : int The unique database id of the event. public_id : str The public id of the event. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :class:`Event` The events found in the database matching the search criteria. ''' if ev_id is None and public_id is None: raise RuntimeError(("You have to specify at least one of the two " "parameters ev_id and public_id.")) found_events = [] db_session = project.get_db_session() try: events_table = project.db_tables['event'] query = db_session.query(events_table) if ev_id is not None: query = query.filter( == ev_id) if public_id is not None: query = query.filter( for cur_orm in query: try: cur_event = Event.from_orm(db_event = cur_orm, inventory = project.db_inventory) found_events.append(cur_event) except: self.logger.exception("Error when creating an event object from database values for event %d. Skipping this event.", finally: db_session.close() return found_events
[docs] def get_events(self, catalog_names = None, start_time = None, end_time = None, **kwargs): ''' Get events from the library using from search criteria passed as keywords. Only events already loaded from the database are processed. Parameters ---------- start_time : :class:`~bspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` The minimum starttime of the detections. end_time : :class:`obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` The maximum end_time of the detections. Keyword Arguments ----------------- kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`Catalog.get_events`. Returns ------- :obj:`list` of :class:`Event` The events matching the search criteria. ''' ret_events = [] if catalog_names is None: catalog_names = list(self.catalogs.keys()) # Filter out catalog names, that are not available. catalog_names = [x for x in catalog_names if x in self.catalogs.keys()] for cur_catalog_name in catalog_names: cur_catalog = self.catalogs[cur_catalog_name] ret_events.extend(cur_catalog.get_events(start_time = start_time, end_time = end_time, **kwargs)) return ret_events
[docs] def load_event_by_id(self, project, ev_id = None, public_id = None): ''' Get an event by the database id or the public id. Parameters ---------- project: :class:`mss_dataserver.core.project.Project` The project to use to access the database. ev_id : int The unique database id of the event. public_id : str The unique public id of the event. Returns ------- :class:`Event` The event matching the search criteria. ''' if ev_id is None and public_id is None: raise RuntimeError(("You have to specify at least one of the two " "parameters ev_id and public_id.")) event = None # Check if the event is available in the existing catalogs. event_list = self.get_events(db_id = ev_id, public_id = public_id) if len(event_list) == 0: # Load the event directly from the database. event_list = self.load_event_from_db(project = project, ev_id = ev_id, public_id = public_id) if len(event_list) == 1: event = event_list[0] elif len(event_list) > 1: raise RuntimeError(("More than one events found, " "this shouldn't happen for unique ids.")) return event