Source code for mss_dataserver.core.util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of mss_dataserver.
# If you use mss_dataserver in any program or publication, please inform and
# acknowledge its authors.
# mss_dataserver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# mss_dataserver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with mss_dataserver. If not, see <>.
# Copyright 2019 Stefan Mertl

''' General utility function.


import configparser
import json
import logging
import logging.handlers
import os

[docs]def load_configuration(filename): ''' Load the configuration from a file. Load the configuration from a .ini file using configparser. The properties of the configuration file are documented in an example .ini file in the *example* directory. Parameters ---------- filename: str The full path to the configuration file. Returns ------- config: dict A dictionary holding the configuration data. Notes ----- Example configuration file: ''' if not os.path.exists(filename): raise RuntimeError("The configuration filename {filename} doesn't exist.".format(filename = filename)) parser = configparser.ConfigParser() config = {} config['config_filepath'] = filename config['websocket'] = {} config['websocket']['host'] = parser.get('websocket', 'host').strip() config['websocket']['port'] = int(parser.get('websocket', 'port')) config['seedlink'] = {} config['seedlink']['host'] = parser.get('seedlink', 'host').strip() config['seedlink']['port'] = int(parser.get('seedlink', 'port')) config['output'] = {} config['output']['data_dir'] = parser.get('output', 'data_dir').strip() config['output']['event_dir'] = parser.get('output', 'event_dir').strip() config['log'] = {} config['log']['log_dir'] = parser.get('log', 'log_dir').strip() config['log']['loglevel'] = parser.get('log', 'loglevel').strip() config['log']['max_bytes'] = int(parser.get('log', 'max_bytes')) config['log']['backup_count'] = int(parser.get('log', 'backup_count')) config['project'] = {} config['project']['author_uri'] = parser.get('project', 'author_uri').strip() config['project']['agency_uri'] = parser.get('project', 'agency_uri').strip() config['project']['inventory_file'] = parser.get('project', 'inventory_file').strip() config['database'] = {} config['database']['host'] = parser.get('database', 'host').strip() config['database']['username'] = parser.get('database', 'username').strip() config['database']['password'] = parser.get('database', 'password').strip() config['database']['dialect'] = parser.get('database', 'dialect').strip() config['database']['driver'] = parser.get('database', 'driver').strip() config['database']['database_name'] = parser.get('database', 'database_name').strip() config['process'] = {} config['process']['stations'] = json.loads(parser.get('process', 'stations')) config['process']['interval'] = int(parser.get('process', 'interval')) config['process']['pgv_sps'] = int(parser.get('process', 'pgv_sps')) config['process']['trigger_threshold'] = float(parser.get('process', 'trigger_threshold')) config['process']['warn_threshold'] = float(parser.get('process', 'warn_threshold')) config['process']['valid_event_threshold'] = float(parser.get('process', 'valid_event_threshold')) config['process']['pgv_archive_time'] = int(parser.get('process', 'pgv_archive_time')) config['process']['event_archive_timespan'] = int(parser.get('process', 'event_archive_timespan')) config['process']['min_event_length'] = int(parser.get('process', 'min_event_length')) config['process']['min_event_detections'] = int(parser.get('process', 'min_event_detections')) config['postprocess'] = {} config['postprocess']['data_dir'] = parser.get('postprocess', 'data_dir').strip() config['postprocess']['map_dir'] = parser.get('postprocess', 'map_dir').strip() config['postprocess']['visualization_dir'] = parser.get('postprocess', 'visualization_dir').strip() config['postprocess']['boundary_filename'] = parser.get('postprocess', 'boundary_filename').strip() config['postprocess']['basemap_filename'] = parser.get('postprocess', 'basemap_filename').strip() config['postprocess']['station_amplification_filename'] = parser.get('postprocess', 'station_amplification_filename').strip() return config
[docs]def get_logger_rotating_file_handler(filename = None, log_level = 'INFO', max_bytes = 1000, backup_count = 3): ''' Create a logging rotating file handler. Create a logging RotatingFileHandler and ad a Formatter to it. Parameters ---------- filename: str The full path of the log file. log_level: str The logging log level. ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR'] max_bytes: int The maximum filesize of the log file [bytes]. If the file grows larger than this value, a new file is created. backup_count: int The number of rotating files to use. Returns ------- ch: logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler The logging filehandler. ''' if not filename: return ch = logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler(filename = filename, maxBytes = max_bytes, backupCount = backup_count) ch.setLevel(log_level) formatter = logging.Formatter("#LOG# - %(asctime)s - %(process)d - %(levelname)s - %(name)s: %(message)s") ch.setFormatter(formatter) return ch
[docs]class Version(object): ''' A version String representation. Parameters ---------- version: str The version as a point-seperated string (e.g. 0.0.1). '''
[docs] def __init__(self, version = '0.0.1'): ''' Initialize the instance. ''' self.version = self.string_to_tuple(version)
def __str__(self): ''' The string representation. ''' return '.'.join([str(x) for x in self.version]) def __eq__(self, c): ''' Test for equality. ''' for k, cur_n in enumerate(self.version): if cur_n != c.version[k]: return False return True def __ne__(self, c): ''' Test for inequality. ''' return not self.__eq__(c) def __gt__(self, c): ''' Test for greater than. ''' for k, cur_n in enumerate(self.version): if cur_n > c.version[k]: return True elif cur_n != c.version[k]: return False return False def __lt__(self, c): ''' Test for less than. ''' for k, cur_n in enumerate(self.version): if cur_n < c.version[k]: return True elif cur_n != c.version[k]: return False return False def __ge__(self, c): ''' Test for greater or equal. ''' return self.__eq__(c) or self.__gt__(c) def __le__(self, c): ''' Test for less or equal. ''' return self.__eq__(c) or self.__lt__(c)
[docs] def string_to_tuple(self, vs): ''' Convert a version string to a tuple. Parameters ---------- version: str The version as a point-seperated string (e.g. 0.0.1). Returns ------- version_tuple: tuple The version string as a tuple. ''' nn = vs.split('.') for k,x in enumerate(nn): if x.isdigit(): nn[k] = int(x) else: tmp = re.split('[A-Za-z]', x) tmp = [x for x in tmp if x.isdigit()] if len(tmp) > 0: nn[k] = int(tmp[0]) else: nn[k] = 0 return tuple(nn)