Source code for mss_dataserver.core.project

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # This file is part of mss_dataserver.
 # If you use mss_dataserver in any program or publication, please inform and
 # acknowledge its authors.
 # mss_dataserver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 # (at your option) any later version.
 # mss_dataserver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 # GNU General Public License for more details.
 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 # along with mss_dataserver. If not, see <>.
 # Copyright 2019 Stefan Mertl

''' MSS Dataserver Project.

import configparser
import json
import logging
import os

import sqlalchemy
import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative
import sqlalchemy.orm

import mss_dataserver.event as event
import mss_dataserver.event.core
import mss_dataserver.geometry as geometry
import mss_dataserver.core.database_util as db_util
import mss_dataserver.geometry.inventory_parser as inventory_parser
import mss_dataserver.geometry.db_inventory as database_inventory

[docs]class Project(object): ''' A project holds global configuration and settings. Parameters ---------- kwargs: dict The dictionary created from the configuration file. Attributes ---------- logger: logging.Logger The logger instance. project_config: dict The *project* configuration section. author_uri: String The Uniform Resource Identifier of the author. agency_uri: String The Uniform Resource Identifier of the author agency. config: dict The complete configuration dictionary (kwargs). process_config: dict The *process* configuration section. db_host: String The URL or IP of the database host. db_username: String The database user name. db_pwd: String The database password. db_dialect: String The dialect of the database. db_driver: String The driver of the database. db_database_name: String The name of the database. db_tables: list The tables loaded from the database. db_inventory: :class:`mss_dataserver.geometry.DbInventory` The geometry inventory of the project. inventory: :class:`mss_dataserer.geometry.DbInventory` A dynamic property returning db_inventory. event_library: :class:`mss_dataserver.event.core.Library` The event library of the project. detection_library: :class:`mss_dataserver.detection.Library` The detection library of the project. See Also -------- :meth:`mss_dataserver.core.util.load_configuration` '''
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): ''' Initialize the instance. ''' logger_name = __name__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__ self.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) self.project_config = kwargs['project'] self.author_uri = self.project_config['author_uri'] self.agency_uri = self.project_config['agency_uri'] # The complete configuration content. self.config = kwargs # The processing configuration. self.process_config = kwargs['process'] # The database configuration. db_config = kwargs['database'] self.db_host = db_config['host'] self.db_username = db_config['username'] self.db_pwd = db_config['password'] self.db_dialect = db_config['dialect'] self.db_driver = db_config['driver'] self.db_database_name = db_config['database_name'] # Check and create the output directories. output_dirs = [self.config['output']['data_dir'], self.config['output']['event_dir']] for cur_dir in output_dirs: if not os.path.exists(cur_dir): os.makedirs(cur_dir) # The database connection state. self.db_engine = None self.db_metadata = None self.db_base = None self.db_session_class = None # A dictionary of the project database tables. self.db_tables = {} # The geometry inventory. self.db_inventory = None # The events library. self.event_library = event.core.Library(name = 'mss events') # The detections library. self.detection_library = event.detection.Library(name = 'mss detections')
@property def inventory(self): ''' The geometry inventory. ''' return self.db_inventory
[docs] def connect_to_db(self): ''' Connect to the database. Connect to the database using the parameters specified in the configuration file. ''' try: if self.db_driver is not None: dialect_string = self.db_dialect + "+" + self.db_driver else: dialect_string = self.db_dialect if self.db_pwd is not None: engine_string = dialect_string + "://" + self.db_username + ":" + self.db_pwd + "@" + self.db_host + "/" + self.db_database_name else: engine_string = dialect_string + "://" + self.db_username + "@" + self.db_host + "/" + self.db_database_name engine_string = engine_string + "?charset=utf8" self.db_engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(engine_string) self.db_engine.echo = False self.db_metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData(self.db_engine) self.db_base = sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.declarative_base(metadata = self.db_metadata) self.db_session_class = sqlalchemy.orm.sessionmaker(bind = self.db_engine) except Exception: logging.exception("Can't connect to the database.") if self.db_base is not None: self.load_database_table_structure() else: self.logger.error("The db_metadata is empty. There seems to be no connection to the database.")
[docs] def load_database_table_structure(self): ''' Load the required database tables from the modules. ''' geom_tables = geometry.databaseFactory(self.db_base) for cur_table in geom_tables: cur_name = self.db_tables[cur_name] = cur_table event_tables = event.databaseFactory(self.db_base) for cur_table in event_tables: cur_name = self.db_tables[cur_name] = cur_table
[docs] def create_database_tables(self): ''' Create the database tables needed for the project. ''' for cur_key, cur_table in self.db_tables.items():"Creating table %s.", cur_key) db_util.db_table_migration(table = cur_table, engine = self.db_engine, prefix = 'dataserver_') try: if self.db_metadata is not None: self.db_metadata.create_all() else: self.logger.error("The db_metadata is empty. There seems to be no connection to the database.") except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error creating the database tables.")
[docs] def get_db_session(self): ''' Create a sqlAlchemy database session. Returns ------- session : :class:`orm.session.Session` A sqlAlchemy database session. ''' return self.db_session_class()
[docs] def load_inventory(self, update_from_xml = False): ''' Load the geometry inventory. Load the geometry inventory from the database. If specified, read the inventory XML file specified in the project configuration and update the database with the loaded inventory. Parameters ---------- update_from_xml: bool If True, the database is updated with the data loaded from the inventory XML file. ''' # Load the existing inventory from the database. try: self.db_inventory = database_inventory.DbInventory(project = self) self.db_inventory.load() except Exception: self.logger.exception("Error while loading the database inventory.") if update_from_xml: # Read the inventory from the XML file. inventory_file = self.project_config['inventory_file'] if not os.path.exists(inventory_file): self.logger.error("Can't find the inventory file %s.", inventory_file) return None parser = inventory_parser.InventoryXmlParser() try: xml_inventory = parser.parse(inventory_file) except Exception: self.logger.exception("Couldn't load the inventory from file %s.", inventory_file) # Update the database inventory with the loaded XML inventory. self.db_inventory.merge(xml_inventory) self.db_inventory.commit() # Reload to get all ORM objects. # TODO: Check how to get the ORM objects without reloading the # inventory. self.db_inventory = database_inventory.DbInventory(project = self) self.db_inventory.load()"Updated the database inventory with data read from %s.", inventory_file)
[docs] def load_inventory_from_xml(self): ''' Load the inventory directly from the XML file ignoring the database. This function can be used when a database connction is not available, but the inventory information is needed, e.g. when postprocessing events. ''' # Read the inventory from the XML file. inventory_file = self.project_config['inventory_file'] if not os.path.exists(inventory_file): self.logger.error("Can't find the inventory file %s.", inventory_file) return None parser = inventory_parser.InventoryXmlParser() try: xml_inventory = parser.parse(inventory_file) except Exception: self.logger.exception("Couldn't load the inventory from file %s.", inventory_file) self.db_inventory = xml_inventory
[docs] def get_event_catalog(self, name): ''' Get an event catalog. If the catalog doesn't exist, a new catalog is created. Parameters ---------- name: String The name of the catalog to get. Returns ------- cur_cat: :class:`mss_dataserver.event.core.Catalog` The catalog with name *name*. ''' if name in self.event_library.catalogs.keys():"Using an already existing catalog in the library.") cur_cat = self.event_library.catalogs[name] else: ev_catalogs = self.event_library.get_catalogs_in_db(project = self) if name not in ev_catalogs:"Creating a new event catalog.") cur_cat = self.create_event_catalog(name = name) else:"Loading the event catalog from database.") cur_cat = self.load_event_catalog(name = name, load_events = True) return cur_cat
[docs] def get_event_catalog_names(self): ''' Get the event catalog names available in the database. Returns ------- cat_names: list of Strings The names of the event catalogs available in the database. ''' return self.event_library.get_catalogs_in_db(project = self)
[docs] def create_event_catalog(self, name, description = ''): ''' Create an event catalog in the database. Parameters ---------- name: String The name of the catalog. description: String The description of the catalog. Returns ------- cat: :class:`mss_dataserver.event.core.Catalog` The created catalog. ''' cat = event.core.Catalog(name = name, description = description, agency_uri = self.agency_uri, author_uri = self.author_uri) cat.write_to_database(self) self.event_library.add_catalog(cat) return cat
[docs] def load_event_catalog(self, name, load_events = False): ''' Load an event catalog from the database. Parameters ---------- name: String The name of the catalog to load. load_events: bool Load the events from the database. Returns ------- cat: :class:`mss_dataserver.event.core.Catalog` The loaded catalog. ''' self.event_library.load_catalog_from_db(project = self, name = name, load_events = load_events) cat = None if name in self.event_library.catalogs.keys(): cat = self.event_library.catalogs[name] return cat
[docs] def load_event_by_id(self, ev_id = None, public_id = None): ''' Get an event by event id or public id. Parameters ---------- ev_id: Integer The database id of the event to load. public_id: String The public id of the event to load. Returns ------- event: :class:`mss_dataserver.event.core.Event` The loaded event. ''' event = self.event_library.load_event_by_id(project = self, ev_id = ev_id, public_id = public_id) return event
[docs] def get_events(self, catalog_names = None, start_time = None, end_time = None, **kwargs): ''' Get events using search criteria passed as keywords. Parameters ---------- catalog_names: List of String The catalog names to load. start_time : :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` The minimum starttime of the detections. end_time : :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime` The maximum end_time of the detections. nslc : tuple of Strings The NSLC (network, station, location, channel)code of the channel (e.g. ('XX', 'GILA', '00', 'HHZ')). kwargs: Keyword arguments Additional keyword arguments passed to :meth:`mss_dataserver.event.core.Library.get_events`. Returns ------- ret_events: List of :class:`mss_dataserver.event.core.Event` The events found in the library matching the search criterias. ''' ret_events = self.event_library.get_events(catalog_names = catalog_names, start_time = start_time, end_time = end_time, **kwargs) return ret_events
[docs] def get_detection_catalog_names(self): ''' Get the detection catalog names available in the database. Returns ------- cat_names: List of String The names of the detection catalogs available in the database. ''' return self.detection_library.get_catalogs_in_db(project = self)
[docs] def create_detection_catalog(self, name, description = ''): ''' Create an detection catalog in the database. Parameters ---------- name: String The name of the catalog. description: String The description of the catalog. Returns ------- cat: :class:`mss_dataserver.detection.Catalog` The created catalog. ''' cat = event.detection.Catalog(name = name, description = description, agency_uri = self.agency_uri, author_uri = self.author_uri) cat.write_to_database(self) return cat
[docs] def load_detection_catalog(self, name, load_detections = False): ''' Load a detection catalog from the database. Parameters ---------- name: String The name of the detection catalog. load_detections: bool Load the detections from the database. Returns ------- cat: :class:`mss_dataserver.detection.Library.Catalog` The loaded detection catalog. ''' self.detection_library.load_catalog_from_db(project = self, name = name, load_detections = load_detections) cat = None if name in self.detection_library.catalogs.keys(): cat = self.detection_library.catalogs[name] return cat