Source code for mss_dataserver.core.database_util

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # This file is part of mss_dataserver.
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 # mss_dataserver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
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 # mss_dataserver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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 # Copyright 2019 Stefan Mertl

Utility functions to interact with the database.

    Stefan Mertl

    GNU General Public License, Version 3 

import sqlalchemy as sqa
import logging
import re

logger_name = __name__
logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name)

[docs]def db_table_migration(engine, table, prefix): ''' Check if a database table migration is needed and apply the changes. Check the table definition of the database with the one from defined in the current database factories of the modules. If changes are detected, the database tables are updated to fit the new version. Parameters ---------- engine: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine The sqlalchemy database Engine. table: sqlalchemy.schema.Table The table to migrate. prefix: String The database table name prefix. The names of the tables contain only the basename (e.g. geom_recorder). The full table name usually contains the name of the project as a prefix. ''''Checking if database table %s needs an update.', migrate_success = False cur_metadata = sqa.MetaData(engine) cur_metadata.reflect(engine) if in iter(cur_metadata.tables.keys()): # Check for changes between the existing and the new table. table_updated = update_db_table(engine = engine, table = table, metadata = cur_metadata, prefix = prefix) if not table_updated:'Everything is up-to-date. No update needed.') migrate_success = True else: # The table is missing in the schema, create it.'The table %s is not existing, create it.', try: table.__table__.create() migrate_success = True except: logger.exception('Error creating the table %s.', return migrate_success
[docs]def update_db_table(engine, table, metadata, prefix): ''' Update the table structure to the new schema. Parameters ---------- engine: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine The sqlalchemy database Engine. table: sqlalchemy.schema.Table The table to migrate. metadata: sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData The tables of the current database schema. prefix: String The database table name prefix. The names of the tables contain only the basename (e.g. geom_recorder). The full table name usually contains the name of the project as a prefix. ''' table_updated = False # Check for added columns. new_table = table.__table__ exist_table = metadata.tables[] columns_to_add = set(new_table.columns.keys()).difference(set(exist_table.columns.keys())) if columns_to_add: if not table_updated:'A database table migration is needed.') for cur_col in columns_to_add:'Adding column %s to table %s.', cur_col, add_column(engine = engine, table = table, column = new_table.columns[cur_col], prefix = prefix) table_updated = True # Check for columns to remove. columns_to_remove = set(exist_table.columns.keys()).difference(set(new_table.columns.keys())) if columns_to_remove: if not table_updated:'A database table migration is needed.') for cur_col in columns_to_remove:'Removing column %s from table %s.', cur_col, remove_column(engine = engine, table = table, column = exist_table.columns[cur_col]) table_updated = True # Check for changed column specifications. for cur_name, cur_col in list(new_table.columns.items()): if cur_name not in iter(exist_table.columns.keys()): # The column is not existing in the database. # Might have been deleted. Ignore it. continue exist_col = exist_table.columns[cur_name] # Check for the column type. new_type = cur_col.type.compile(engine.dialect) exist_type = exist_col.type.compile(engine.dialect) if not compare_column_type(new_type, exist_type): if not table_updated:'A database table migration is needed.')'Changing the type of column %s from %s to %s.', cur_name, exist_type, new_type) change_column_type(engine = engine, table = table, column = cur_col) table_updated = True # Drop all existing foreign keys. This has to be done in case that unique # keys have to be removed which might be needed by foreign keys. for cur_key in exist_col.foreign_keys:"Removing the foreign key %s from table %s.",, remove_foreign_key(engine = engine, table = table, fk_symbol = # Remove all unique contraints. insp = sqa.inspect(engine) unique_const = insp.get_unique_constraints( for cur_const in unique_const:'Removing the unique constraint %s.', cur_const['name']) remove_unique_constraint(engine, table, cur_const['name']) # Add the new constraints to the table. const_to_add = new_table.constraints.difference(exist_table.constraints) unique_const = [x for x in const_to_add if isinstance(x, sqa.schema.UniqueConstraint)] foreign_const = [x for x in const_to_add if isinstance(x, sqa.schema.ForeignKeyConstraint)] # TODO: Handle changes of the primary key. primary_const = [x for x in const_to_add if isinstance(x, sqa.schema.PrimaryKeyConstraint)] for cur_const in unique_const:'Adding the unique constraint %s.', add_unique_constraint(engine, table, cur_const) table_updated = True for cur_const in foreign_const: #logger.warning("Changing foreign key constraint is not yet implemented (%s).", cur_const) target_columns = [x.target_fullname for x in cur_const.elements]'Adding foreign key (%s) referring (%s).', ','.join(cur_const.column_keys), ','.join(target_columns)) try: # Get the target table using the ForeignKey elements. Using the # referred_table was not working for all constraints because the # referred_table is a dynamic attribute. target_name = [x.target_fullname.split('.')[0] for x in cur_const.elements] target_name = list(set(target_name)) if len(target_name) != 1: logger.error("Too many target tables for the foreign constraint: %s.", target_name) continue else: target_name = prefix + target_name[0] add_foreign_key(engine = engine, table = table, columns = cur_const.column_keys, target_table = target_name, target_columns = [x.target_fullname.split('.')[1] for x in cur_const.elements], on_update = cur_const.onupdate, on_delete = cur_const.ondelete) except: logger.exception("Error creating the foreign key.") return table_updated
[docs]def add_column(engine, table, column, prefix): ''' Add a column to a database table. Parameters ---------- engine: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine The sqlalchemy database Engine. table: sqlalchemy.schema.Table The table to migrate. column: sqlalchemy.schema.Column The database table column to add. prefix: String The database table name prefix. The names of the tables contain only the basename (e.g. geom_recorder). The full table name usually contains the name of the project as a prefix. ''' table_name = column_type = column.type.compile(engine.dialect) if column.nullable: engine.execute('ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s %s' % (table_name,, column_type)) else: engine.execute('ALTER TABLE %s ADD COLUMN %s %s NOT NULL' % (table_name,, column_type)) for cur_key in column.foreign_keys: add_foreign_key(engine = engine, table = table, column = column, target = prefix + cur_key.target_fullname)
[docs]def remove_column(engine, table, column): ''' Remove a column from the database table. Parameters ---------- engine: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine The sqlalchemy database Engine. table: sqlalchemy.schema.Table The table to migrate. column: sqlalchemy.schema.Column The database table column to add. ''' table_name = for cur_key in column.foreign_keys: remove_foreign_key(engine, table, engine.execute('ALTER TABLE %s DROP COLUMN %s' % (table_name,
[docs]def change_column_type(engine, table, column): ''' Change the type of a database table column. Parameters ---------- engine: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine The sqlalchemy database Engine. table: sqlalchemy.schema.Table The table to migrate. column: sqlalchemy.schema.Column The database table column to add. ''' table_name = column_type = column.type.compile(dialect = engine.dialect) engine.execute('ALTER TABLE %s MODIFY %s %s' % (table_name,, column_type))
[docs]def add_foreign_key(engine, table, columns, target_table, target_columns, on_update, on_delete): ''' Add a foreign key constraint. Parameters ---------- engine: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine The sqlalchemy database Engine. table: sqlalchemy.schema.Table The table to migrate. columns: list of String The column names. target_table: String The name of the table, that the foreign key references. target_columns: list of String The names of the columns, that the foreign key references. on_update: String The action to perform on update (sql ON UPDATA). on_delete: String The action to perform on delete (sql ON DELETE). ''' table_name = if on_update is None: on_update = 'RESTRICT' if on_delete is None: on_delete = 'RESTRICT' engine.execute('ALTER TABLE %s ADD FOREIGN KEY (%s) REFERENCES %s(%s) ON UPDATE %s ON DELETE %s' % (table_name, ','.join(columns), target_table, ','.join(target_columns), on_update, on_delete))
[docs]def add_foreign_key_old(engine, table, column, target, on_update, on_delete): ''' Add a foreign key to the column. This is an old function definition. Will be removed. ''' table_name = tmp = target.split('.') target_table = tmp[0] target_column = tmp[1] engine.execute('ALTER TABLE %s ADD FOREIGN KEY (%s) REFERENCES %s(%s) ON_DELETE %s ON_UPDATE %s' % (table_name,, target_table, target_column, on_update, on_delete))
[docs]def remove_foreign_key(engine, table, fk_symbol): ''' Remove a foreign key. Parameters ---------- engine: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine The sqlalchemy database Engine. table: sqlalchemy.schema.Table The table to migrate. fk_symbol: String The name of the foreign key. ''' table_name = engine.execute('ALTER TABLE %s DROP FOREIGN KEY %s' % (table_name, fk_symbol))
[docs]def add_unique_constraint(engine, table, constraint): ''' Add a unique constraint to the table. Parameters ---------- engine: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine The sqlalchemy database Engine. table: sqlalchemy.schema.Table The table to migrate. constraint: String The name of the constraint. ''' table_name = col_names = [ for x in constraint.columns] const_name = if const_name: sql_cmd = 'ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s UNIQUE (%s)' % (table_name, const_name, ','.join(col_names)) else: sql_cmd = 'ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT UNIQUE (%s)' % (table_name, ','.join(col_names)) engine.execute(sql_cmd)
[docs]def remove_unique_constraint(engine, table, name): ''' Remove a unique constraint from the table using the constraint name. Parameters ---------- engine: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine The sqlalchemy database Engine. table: sqlalchemy.schema.Table The table to migrate. name: String The name of the contraint. ''' table_name = engine.execute('ALTER TABLE %s DROP INDEX %s' % (table_name, name))
[docs]def compare_column_type(col1, col2): ''' Compare the type of two columns. Parameters ---------- col1: sqlalchemy.schema.Colum The first column. col2: sqlalchemy.schema.Colum The column to compare. Returns ------- is_equal: bool True if the two columns are equal, False if not. ''' is_equal = False tmp = re.split('[()]', col1) if tmp: if len(tmp) >= 1: col1_type = tmp[0] if len(tmp) >= 2: col1_len = tmp[1] else: col1_len = None tmp = re.split('[()]', col2) if tmp: if len(tmp) >= 1: col2_type = tmp[0] if len(tmp) >= 2: col2_len = tmp[1] else: col2_len = None if col1_type == col2_type: if col1_len is not None: if col1_len == col2_len: is_equal = True else: is_equal = True return is_equal